
Deepnight is a city of contrasts, where the cold and unforgiving north meets the warmth of gnomish innovation. Whether fishing in the trecherous seas, unraveling the secrets of The Drunkard's Lighthouse, or witnessing the wonders of invention, Deepnight offers a unique experience for those who dare to explore its icy streets.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens
  Located in the north, beneath the shadows of the Usan Uuls, lies perhaps the most sheltered bay in the world, upon which sits the city of Deepnight. The entrance to the bay is marked on one side by the massive Beacon of Artemis, a shining white tower rising seamlessly from the surrounding snow and the imposing white cliffs. On the other side, leaning precariously over the seas is the imposing shadow of the Drunkard's Lighthouse.   The way in, luckily, requires ony the briefest of dips into the deadly waters of the Usan Uuls, though most maps dont mark it as such. The current will do most of the navigation for you, at least in through midsummer. After that the current is much more condusive to leaving the bay than entering, but under favorable tides it is still possible.   And a good thing too. Deepnight is home to some of the brightest gnomish inventors in the world. Tinkerblast Whizzbottom, inventor of the worlds only known airship, called the labs of Deepnight home. More recently the alchemist Fizz Sparkbottle has set up shop, churning out near miraculous potions.   Gnomes, in fact, make up a majority of the Elder Conclave, the ruling council of the city. The Conclave oversees the city's affairs, ensuring that trade, innovation, and community welfare remain balanced. The Conclave meets in the Hall of Echoes, a stone building adorned with intricate stained glass windows depicting the city's history. Many other buildings are also adorned with stained glass, and in the long nights of winter a kaliedescopes of colors paints the city in a flickering rainbow.


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Aug 5, 2024 23:56 by Lady Wynter

Gives a good glimpse into this city. I wouldn't mind knowing more about it and the bay that shelters it.

Bringing the Light
Aug 12, 2024 02:14

Thanks for the read, there should be more coming after the awards ceremony, as my players are on their way there now. So as long as I remember to update the article there will at least be maps and some updated districts, as well as more on the bay and the surroundings.

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.