
by Drunkenpanda951 with Midjourney
  Dry, its always so dry up here. A strange thing to say surrounded by all this ice, but it is true. I hear the naysayers now. "Just build a fire" you say. As if it was that simple, hundreds of miles from the nearest forrest. The area around Yggdrasil has its trees, obviously, as does the far southern reaches that are home to the Ghostspider Forrest. But here, arround Deepnight we have no such luxuries. And for those like myself, willing to try to climb the Usan Uuls in the winter, there is nothing. To dig to deep into the ice would not reveal dried grasses for tinder. It would just open a hole, a hole to water to be sure, but not the kind you can drink. t is for the same reason that melting the ice is no good. It is all sea ice, even up where I am, where the air is thin as razors, and just as cutting. Maybe next year I will try what JF suggested and bring a still, and perhaps a mage to magic up the fire. Although bringing along a magic user would have its own perils. And so we are back to where we started, the problem with trying to climb a mountain made of sea ice... it is always so dry up here.


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