Frozen Steel

Frozen steel is perhaps the single most miraculous thing to come out of Deepnight. Besides psychic steel it is the only metal immune to any sort of corrosion, even making a useful weapon (or cage) against rust monsters.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens
  The only reason Frozen Steel is less known than other metals, like adamantite and phychic steel, is because only the gnomes of Deepnight known the secret of its creation, so rather than being used in weapons and armor, it is more often used to make tools. Blacksmiths the world over would pay a small fortune for a pair of frozen steel tongs, or better yet crafting gauntlets. To be able to reach into the hottest of forges and manipulate near glowing metals without any worry of burning yourself is a boon few craftsmen can pass up.   That is not to say that there are no pieces of adventuring gear made of frozen steel. As previously said, a spear of frozen steel can skewer a rust monster and come out the other side without a blemish. The same spear could also be used to great effect against both fire and water elementals, draining the heat from both.   Perhaps most famously there is a single suit of full plate made of frozen steel. Crafted at the request of the dragons to put down Tiarvud the Mad Red. The plate was gifted to Rosalind of the Mystic Fog. The armor is said to have done nearly as much damage to the dragon as Rosalind's sword, in addition to protecting her from the fearsom flames of Tiarvud. It is well documented that that the Frozen Bastion, as it has come to be called, saps heat from those who strike it. Swords and spears that strike it will chill enough to become brittle and shatter, and even incidental skin contact can leave frostbite on the skin of those not wearing it.


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