Goblin Order of Brotherhood

I feel like Boblin would be proud that there is a paladin order exclusively of goblins. Admittedly they are a bit more... chaotic in their pursuit of justice than most.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens.
  "We put the GOB in Goblin!"   Admittedly, there are far mor destructive orders of Paladins out there, but rarely is the news that the Goblin Order of Brotherhood is on the way met with the same cheers as, say, the Order of Dawns First Light or the Fists of Rightousness. While the GOB does have barely 100 years of history, the mere fact that they have a global reputation should speak to their success. Okay, yes, they may be a bit overzealous in their pursuit of some things, but what paladin order isnt. History is filled with the horrors of inquisitions, and GOB is one of the vew orders that can truthfully calim to have never been involved in one of those.   The good that they have done, from their charitable work during the famine of 4831 to the slaying of the lich Ephior of the Blood Moon, is on par with what many other orders have accomplished over the same period. I think that there is still some underlying racism that comes from the fact that goblins haven't been civilized for a long time, leading to especially longer lived races (dwarves and elves) to view them as a bit savage. The point is "driven home" when one sees the order roll in on the menagerie that is a goblin calvary. Most inns rightly will not house those, but that is to be expected, and more for the sake of the horses than anything else. No matter how well trained the tiger or bear is, even war horses will get a bit nervous when they are in the same building as a predator.


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