
Admittedly, if fewer ancient cultures had come up with other ways of honoring their dead, we would have less powerful undead to deal with. But the fact that there are mummies and mummy lords today does speak to the effectiveness of the process.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens.
  Okay, yes, it has fallen out of practice. Possibly because of the Necromancer Wars, but also because fewer rulers are viewed as gods, and really who can afford to build the temple they want to be interred in. The process itsself isnt really all that expensive though. Especially if you are out in a desert, or some salt flats. Just bury the body in the sand (or salt). But the actual process most cultures used, blessed oils, sacred wraps, jewlery, removing those pesky organs. Honestly its just a whole lot of work.   Who wants a bunch of dessicated dead bodies hanging around anyway? I mean, sure, if done properly there is less of a sanitary concern than most other ways one disposes of a body. Well, some of the other ways. But then you have all these dead things around just waiting for some wild magic or a necromancer to come along and then undead galore.   You actually want to know how to do it? Look, i'm not going to get into the mumbo-jumbo parts, mostly because I dont know exactly how you after-life works or what gods you all worship. But as I said before it is actually very simple. Once the person is dead, similar to an animal, drain the blood and remove the digestive tract (dont want any unfortunate bloating accidents to happen). Take out any organss you also want preserved and suspend them in a strong alcohol, or an oil, or pack in salt, depending on what your gods want. Continue to dry the body out using your prefered method. Wrap in sacred cloth, adorn with sacred relics, and there you have it. One mummy, ready for resurection so they can wrreak havoc on anything alive in the surroundings. Congratulations, you have created the doom of your people, maybe not now, but in a few centuries who knows what could happen.


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