The Unraveling Thread

It is quite possibly one of the most insidious curses that I have seen. It doesnt hurt, at least.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens
  The curse of the Unraveling Thread is just about what it sounds like. You snag on a cursed object. It could be a tree branch, the edge of a brick on a building, even something as innocuous as a thistle. Next thing you know, the more you walk, the more worn you feel. Unbeknownst to you, you and everything on your person is now, for the purposes of a curse, a ball of yarn, being slowly unraveled the more you do.   The fastest death by this curse happened when a man on a galloping horse snagged a cursed branch in the Feywillow Forrest. Admittedly he probably would have survived longer if he hadn't been unsaddled a few hundred yards later. The horse kept running through the rest of the day, the elf that found him got there just in time to watch as his head and face unraveled.   Most people are left with a much longer, more drawn out fate. Imagine getting snagged in a city market. As people cross behind you, you start feel more and more worn out. IF you have a keen eye, you may see what looks like a string criss crossing the market. You go home for the day, but getting undressed just makes you more tired. The next day, you wake up and start to go about you day, but each thing you seems to sap more an more of your flagging energy. Eventually you just unravel completely.   If you notice what is going on, you may be able to make it to a temple, or some other caster who can break curses, but remember, the more people you cross paths with and the further you travel, the faster your death approaches.


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Aug 6, 2024 21:29 by Zero Sum Games

Hmmm. I wonder if I snagged myself somewhere. I feel tired pretty often. Or maybe I just need more sleep, lol. I think a lot of people feel like they've started Unravelling. I think its relatability makes this a really good idea and article!

Aug 8, 2024 11:53

Thanks for the read. I'm glad you enjoyed the idea, this was one of the ones that i struggled with a little. I still feel like this is probably my most rushed article this summer camp. but I dont know if I will come back and fix it later.

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.