The Whispers of Ebon Hollow

Like all of the world trees, Yggdrasil is not without its share of defenses. But you neednt worry yourself about the Whispers, after all as the saying goes 'Stones and bricks hurt worse than sticks, but whispers...' wait, that cant be right, how did that go again?
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens
  If you believe the tales, the Whispers of Ebon Hollow are something akind to The Ghostwalker Dwarves, guardians of a world tree. However, during some event in the past they bled to strongly into the ethereal plane. Unable to return they remain on duty, patroling the woods surrounding Yggdrasil. Those who wander into the woods with ill intent hear whispers. Whispers of past regrets, of deep fears, and painful secrets. The start as the murmur of leaves in the wind. A voice almost heard.   Of course, those who say words cant hurt you are obvoisly not versed in magic. True, many spells require material components, or mystical gestures, yet a bard can entrance with words alone, and so, if the rumors can be believed, can the Whispers. Yet they are not wholely malevolent. For every story of a Mira Blackhollow there is also an Eldrin Ironfoot.  

The Disappearance of Mira Blackhollow and the Inspiration of Eldrin Ironfoot

Mira Blackhollow was a young dwarven herbalist who ventured into the forest to gather rare herbs for healing potions and poltuices. She vanished without a trace, her disappearance fueling fears that the Whispers had claimed another victim. Her ghostly voice is said to have joined the whispers, warning others to heed the shadows' call with caution.   Eldrin Ironfoot was a gnomish inventor who ventured into Ebon Hollow seeking inspiration for his creations. Eldrin emerged a week later later, claiming that the Whispers and imparted on him the designs for a revolutionary new device. The resulting invention, bottled lightning, propelled him to fame and fortune. Eldrin, however, remained haunted by the encounter, insisting that he could still hear the Whispers in his dreams.


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Aug 22, 2024 01:36 by Glen

I need to dress up my quotes with inserts like yours. Looks great.

Aug 22, 2024 02:42

Thanks, it is a fairly easy thing to implement, along with some other things. I think it largely depends on which editor you are using in WA. but even as a sage, I still usually have this BBcode guide open when I am writing to remind me of what I can do, and how to do it  

BBCode Tags
Generic article | Jun 28, 2024

This article lists most BBCode tags with an example on World Anvil.

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