Twilight Tavern

Those who say "money can't by happiness" have obviously never been to the Twilight Tavern. They sell it by both pint and plate.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens
  "Come all, Come one, now don't be shy Here happiness is yours to buy."   As far as Akraia could tell no one else had heard the little man standing next to the doors that (had she been in any mood to look) were almost identical to the sunset behind her. As they stood pondering an elf stumbled out, catching himself on one of the doors before turning back and exclaiming "My friends, I am off! Thank you for the wonderful evening, may all your surprises be happy ones!" Several shouts of "HUZZAH!" followed the elf, before a jaunty tune started up, slowly muffled as the door swung shut and the elf started down the street, humming happily.   "Well," Akraia mused, "what have I got to lose? at the very least the ale must be good." With that thought she pushed their way through the doors.
Inside, it was as if someone had taken a Midsummer Festival and put it in a single building. Smells of fried dough and roasting meat wafted through the air, carried by the happy tune of the band. Everywhere Akraia looked people were laughing, or dancing, enjoying the company of those around them. Even over at the dice tables the typical grimace of a loser was absent. As she stood taking in the scene, a drink was pressed into her hand.   "The house special," said the passing waiter, nodding at the drink "from the Court of Summer. I would try to describe the taste, but it is individual to the person. Just give it a try. Refills are free, and if you get hungry just wave one of us down."  

A Party That Never Ends

The Twilight Tavern should NOT be confused with The Twilight Trade. Yes, both have a festive air, but it is significantly harder to stay overlong in the Tavern. Which is good as by design the Tavern wants you to stay until you are happy. It is, in fact, nearly impossible to leave the tavern in lower spirits than when you entered.   Should you choose to gamble, runs of good luck can be expected. There is always an attractive partner on the dance floor willing to dance a tune or three. The snacks and drinks are plentiful, and you will never grow tired. Yet no matter how deep you seem to be drawn, the door remains in sight. For the Twilight Tavern is not malevolent, but rather here to serve.


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Jul 18, 2024 12:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Is this fae food? I'm suspicious that it's fae food.   I love the idea of a festival stuffed into a building though. :D