
"After traversing the bitter cold climate for 2 days, I finally found one of the temples I had heard about from my fellow borderless. The tundra has left the stone structures frozen in time, and inside instead of finding gold an valuables, I found piles and piles of junk. Broken vases, keys, childrens toys, knick knacks, hair accessories, doorknobs, glass bulbs, shiny rocks... all of it completely worthless. I can't believe THIS is what I risked life and limb for."
— Anonymous Borderless Journal


Tavarez is located far up north in Valdis in a barren tundra. It is devoid of any recognized settlements outside of one village called Leorona located in the slightly warmer southern region of the province. This village is only home to some divine servants and a race of small wooden creatures known as the Imisuk.   The landscape is dotted with abandoned temples and structures one belonging to a long forgotten civilization far more complicated than the Imisuk are capable of building.   The climate of northern Taravez is harsh, with snow, ice and bitter cold winds, and not easy to traverse for the weak willed. Maps are left purposefully vague to keep borderless thieves from easily finding treasures, meaning it's also very easy to get lost out in the snow.   A unique feature of the province is that the region's own magic nullifies any other magic from other provinces. Travelers will find that their magic no longer works in the province, as well, magical artifacts will also be rendered in active.


  It is believed that the an ancient civilization once existed in the area long, long before the borders rose, as evidenced by the elaborate temples and structures they left behind. Not much is known about them or their culture, just that they had created the Imisuk shortly before they all mysteriously disappeared.   The Imisuk took over the region and filled the empty homes. They started collecting random pretty objects from other provinces and carrying them off back to their home to throw in giant piles of junk inside the temples. Occasionally, this would be an object of great arcane power, but it would always stop working the moment it arrived in it's new home.   The divines noticed this, and began to use this area to store the more problematic and dangerous artifacts in a place where they couldn't cause more chaos. Their divine servants were assigned to live in the region to guard the artifacts from being stolen and taken places where they could bring harm.   In 3 AB, the mask of The Marquis was taken from this region and brought to Avenir which unleashed a curse that dramatically effected that province for the next few centuries.
Alternative Name(s)
The Province of Treasures


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