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Age of Creation Mankind is created on Koltso. A rogue faction of Harmn on Kolt smuggles a relatively weak al’al’thaana called “Fade Echo” to Koltso to see what the “primitive humans” will attempt to do with it. The humans use the artifact to create the elves, then to create the dwarves. Age of Deceit The elves manage to steal Fade Echo from the humans in an underhanded and uncharacteristic mission. The then use it to unlock their (until then) weak blood magic, making them capable of suppressing the dwarves who lived amongst them. Age of Blood Members of the Dwarven Resistance execute a daring raid on the elven palace resulting in hundreds of dead dwarves. A small group including the current dwarven king retrieved Fade Echo and released a large blast of uncontrolled energy which resulted in them teleporting into a local mountain range. Age of Gods The elves come to their senses and release the dwarven slaves. Apparently the untuned Fade Echo had some sort of damaging effect on their minds. This had caused them to enter some sort of frenzy that led them to construct a monument. To this day, the monument remains incomplete and despite the blueprints being clear that it was to be a massive obelisk, its purpose remains unknown. Now the construction site has overgrown with nature, but sometimes when foolish elven children wander into the forest, they don’t come back. During this time, elves and dwarves managed to begin an unsteady friendship, it seemed as if Fade Echo was lost to the dwarves but it had unlocked a knowledge within them. From this point on, dwarves understood the creation of and use of runes. Meanwhile, Mankind was getting bored with their hundreds of years of immortality and simple life. It is unknown if there were external factors or if humans came to this idea on their own. They decided to pour all of their power into the creation of a pantheon of gods who would watch over them while they led exciting lives. The process did not go as simply as they had hoped, and there were several who resisted, grasping to their gluttonous lifestyle of excess and sloth. In the end however, mankind gave away the power that made it special, and in return found that their souls were still powerful enough for a unique kind of magic. Already this was thrilling, as before they could just wave a hand and receive gratification, but now they would have to think about their objective and mould their mana for results.   Age of Adventure <---------------YOU ARE HERE This is truly the golden age of the world. At this point, mankind, dwarves, and elves fought together against minor threats that were placed upon the world by inquisitive Harmn scientists. This age came to a head when they fought and defeated a Harmn scientist gone mad, and his hordes of creatures summoned from other planes.   Age of Mending Humans, dwarves, and elves had all become decently aligned to the same side at this point, dwarves and elves even worshipped human gods, humans used runes, and there were half elves running around as proof that love was universal. The Lull For a few hundred years, nothing really happened, the Harmn weren’t running experiments on Koltso, and the skirmishes between nations that did happen never seemed to reshape the world too harshly. Empires rose and soon the world was on its way to a technological boom. Age of Rebirth Somewhere on Crucius, the southernmost continent of Koltso, in a village next to a waterfall, a child was born, though his parents gave him a normal name he identified himself as pompadour. The Cataclysm Pompadour embraces his full power and creates Chaos, a sword that is capable of opening gates to other planes and bringing the demons they hold through. Death of Gods After subjugating most of the world along with his small group of allies, Pompadour manages to augment Chaos to allow him into the realm of gods. At this point he slays all gods but Osiris. Pompadour and Roland fight for the fate of the world, resulting in both of their deaths and the near total annihilation of Crucius, however Pompadour had a deal with En, the world dragon, that allowed him to be reborn without his memories. The world would not soon recover, and the epicentre of their battle became infused with astronomical amounts of power that startled even the Harmn scientists observing the world. Time of Darkness Pompadour ages unnaturally for over a century before being discovered by a group of adventurers and brought out of his stupor, at least partially. The world shudders.

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