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Welcome To Everny - An Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Dungeons and Dragons is only increasing in popularity, but the freedoms, sheer wealth of choice and the various different mechanics can be very intimidating and off putting to newcomers. Seeing a number of people in my local area ask about beginners sessions, I decided to put something together that's suitable for almost any age, and eases players into the ideas behind D&D, gently introducing game mechanics as they go.  


A group of adventurers arrive in town during the height of the carnival celebration, the pie competition. One of the contestants' pie has gone missing, and as neutral, unbiased newcomers, she asks the group for their help in apprehending the culprit. The group will play detective, using their skills to interrogate and look for clues. Ultimately the group should identify the culprit and engage in battle to successfully apprehend them. On success, the contestant suggests that the group may want to speak to the local mage about further work.  


Prior to beginning, the game master should hand out descriptions of the various classes for the group to read and pick from. It should be impressed that this decision only flavours the rest of the session and they will still have a lot of personal agency, but it gives them a chance to adopt a persona. See below for the descriptions available. Each of the group should also receive an Ask for Guidance token. This is meant for when the player feels stuck and needs help from the game master. The players should be encouraged to discuss together, before using this token. Note that dice, character sheets, races, skills, spell choices etc. should not be discussed at this stage. Once each player has chosen a class, the game master should explain that one of the first things that they will do, is to introduce themselves. At this point they can either elect for pre-prepared introductions, or create their own. Sample introductions are included below.
Class Description Introduction
  Channel the Arcane!
As a wizard, your mind is a wellspring of magical potential. With a flick of your wrist and a whispered word, you can unleash fireballs, conjure illusions, and bend the very fabric of reality. Solve puzzles with clever spells, manipulate enemies with mind control, and become the strategic mastermind of your party. If intricate planning and dazzling displays of magic excite you, the wizard's path awaits! Elara (female)/Daketh (male):
Greetings, friends! My name is Elara/Daketh, and I hail from the distant Spire Tower, an academy dedicated to arcane arts. My robes often bear faint scorch marks, testaments to my (sometimes explosive) experiments. You'll find me in the town square, nose buried in a dusty tome, seeking knowledge to fuel my ever-curious mind. Perhaps you have a puzzle that requires a magical touch?
  Feel the thrill of battle!
As a barbarian, your rage burns bright! Swing your mighty axe with unmatched fury, shrugging off blows that would cripple others. With your primal roar, rally your allies and strike fear into the hearts of your foes. You're a force of nature, charging into the thick of battle and relishing the clash of steel. If raw power, thrilling combat, and an unyielding spirit resonate with you, then unleash the barbarian within! Folinda (female)/Bolsko (male):
Heya! Folinda/Bolsko here, hailing from the rugged Northwind mountains. You can tell I'm not used to city life - my axe feels out of place amongst these fancy pastries. Still, rumors of a worthy brawl drew me here. Anyone need a sparring partner, or maybe a monster needs a good taming? Just don't expect fancy words, I speak through my axe!
  Serve the Divine
As a cleric, you are a conduit of divine power. Channel healing energies to mend your allies, unleash holy wrath upon your enemies, and inspire hope in their hearts. Whether you call upon a benevolent sun god or a stern goddess of justice, your faith grants you potent magic and unwavering purpose. If you yearn to be a pillar of support, wielding righteous power and serving a higher cause, the cleric's path beckons. Anya (female)/Corvus (male):
Blessings upon you, travelers! I'm Anya/Corvus, a humble servant of the benevolent Sun Goddess, Elara. My armor may gleam, but my heart is open to those in need. I travel to spread hope and healing, guided by the sun's warm embrace. Perhaps you have encountered someone burdened by darkness? Together, we can offer solace and guidance.
  Embrace the Shadows
As a rogue, your world is one of hidden alleys and whispered secrets. Master the art of stealth, striking unseen from the shadows and delivering precise blows. Pick locks with nimble fingers, disarm traps with wit, and outsmart your foes with cunning plans. You are a silent guardian, a master of deception, and a whirlwind of lethal efficiency. If the thrill of intrigue, the freedom of improvisation, and the satisfaction of a perfectly executed plan fuel your fire, then the rogue's journey is the one to take. Lila (female)/Ren (male):
Fancy meeting you all! Lila/Ren is the name, and shadows are my game. Don't let my charming smile fool you - I'm more at home picking pockets than picking flowers. This festival seems brimming with opportunity, both legal and... less so. Perhaps you need a discreet hand with a certain, shall we say, delicate task? Just remember, secrets are my currency, and loyalty is priceless.
  Weave Magic and Song
As a bard, your words and melodies hold potent power. Inspire courage with stirring ballads, beguile foes with mesmerizing illusions, and soothe tensions with witty banter. Your talents go beyond spellcasting; you possess an arsenal of social skills and a knack for storytelling that can win over hearts and minds. If you crave the spotlight, yearn to unite others, and wish to leave your mark on the world through art and charisma, the bard's path is yours to tread. Elantria (female)/Alistair (male):
A toast to newfound companions! Elantria/Alistair the Enthralling, bard extraordinaire, at your service! My voice echoes with tales of bravery and woe, my lute strums the strings of your emotions. This festival cries out for entertainment, and I'm the maestro to conduct its merriment. Lend me your ears, your voices, and perhaps even your dancing shoes, and we'll turn this night into legend!
  Unleash untamed magic!
As a sorcerer, your blood thrums with raw arcane energy. Release devastating spells with a flick of your wrist, bend the elements to your will, and command unseen forces with a mere thought. No need for study or rituals, your magic surges instinctively. But harnessing it requires focus and control, for unchecked power can be as dangerous to you as your enemies. If you seek raw magical potential, crave thrilling displays of force, and enjoy pushing boundaries, the sorcerer's path calls to you. Seraphina (female)/Zane (male):
Greetings, mortals... I mean, fellow adventurers! Seraphina/Zane is the name, and my blood hums with arcane power. Don't be intimidated by my fiery temper (or the occasional accidental sparks) - I wield my magic with passion and a dash of chaos. This festival seems... lacking in excitement. Perhaps a touch of my unpredictable magic is just what it needs? Be warned, though, excitement often comes with a few singed eyebrows.


  Our tale opens as a carriage draws up to the town of Everny, a province of the Konthra region. Our adventurers descend having arrived at their destination, and are challenged by the gatekeeper. "Ho there! State your name and business." The game master will proceed around the table, allowing each character to introduce themselves.   Once done with introductions, the gatekeeper will again speak "I bid you welcome to our humble town, Everny. Your arrival is certainly well timed to see us at our best, as we come together celebrate the season. Please continue onto the town square, and avail yourselves of food and entertainment." He turns to the bard if there is one, "Or perhaps you could be the ones to entertain us?". He waves the party through, as they continue into the town square.  

Entering the Town

Small dashes of cloud pepper an otherwise clear sky as the sun shines down on Everny. Close knit buildings frame the two sides of a wide cobbled road, that leads into a busy market square. Stalls line the edges, while a crowd packs the centre. People of all ages and a wide variety of races mingle together in front of a large imposing statue of a three headed dragon, chiselled from fine white marble. The most delightful of smells cross the air, infusing the whole area with an aroma of fresh baking. Chatter, giggles and general merriment create the score to the scene as you approach the carnival.
  The game master should let the party browse for a while, describing stalls of food, home made crafts, herbs, basical magical ingredients and other sundry. For full details see the stalls section ater in the article.
Town Square - Everny
  Town Square Preview:  


Playing Games (Optional)

One of the stalls below can be replaced with a games stall, where the stall owner will call out to the party and on recognising they're newcomers, offer them a free game. The first option is to throw darts at magical targets. See below for what this looks like  
The rules are as follows:
  • The player has three darts, and must score a total of 30 or above.
  • There are three moving targets, one with a value of 10, one with a value of 15 and a final with a value of 20
  • Before throwing a dart, the player must choose which target they are aiming at
  • To throw the dart, the player rolls a d20 and adds their Dexterity modifier
  • If the score is equal to or higher than the chosen target, then they add that target score to their total
Game 2 is a test of fighting prowess.
  • The player is given a wooden sword and must attempt to hit their opponent, more times than they themselves are hit across 3 rounds of combat.
  • Again this uses a d20, but the modifier is either Strength or Dexterity - whichever is higher.
  • The AC of the stall owner is 13. When the stall owner attacks, he uses his own Dex, which is +1 vs the player's AC.
This is likely to be a far easier challenge for the cleric, than for the wizard!   On winning either game, the players are rewarded with a choice of stuffed animal, left to the game master's discretion to describe.  

The Discovery

A scream is heard, and a hush falls over the crowd. A leonin (a humanoid version of a lion-like creature) in a bright blue official looking outfit pushes past to the source of the concern, a middle aged gnomish woman. He crouches down to exchange words. If the group try to listen in, a perception check is offered. A success will reveal an exchange where the woman explains that her prize entrant, a delicious apple pie, has been stolen. The Leonin will ask if the woman saw who took it, but on her explanation that she didn't, he just shakes his head, apologises that in that case he cannot do anything for her, and returns from where he came. A failure will show the interactions, with little of the dialogue. The woman looks around the square, and on seeing the group, rushes over.
"Please help me" she cries. "You're new to this town yes?"
On confirming, she will nod her head "I thought as much, I know near everyone in this town, but don't recognise any of you, which is great news today!" "I need someone to help find out who stole the legendary Apple extravaganza, my entry to the pie competition. It was a sure fire winner, and any number of people here would want to see me out of the race. I just don't feel I can trust anyone. But you're new, unbiased, neutral, and so I just know I can trust you!" she says, becoming increasingly animated as she talks. "Oh, you must forgive me my manners though! My name is Mistress Arbither, please, who do I have the pleasure of employing?" After the group introduce themselves, Mistress Arbither goes on to offer a reward of 5 Gold Pieces, if they can identify who stole the pie, with another 5 for retrieving it. She is open to negotiation if any of the party choose to try. Following that, it is up to the party to start their investigations.  

Introducing skills

Perhaps the party choose to try and listen in on Mistress Arbither's conversation with the leonin. Perhaps they look around for anyone shifty. Maybe they mistrust Mistress Arbither herself, or try to negotiate a better deal. Any of these will trigger a skill check, and require the game master to introduce these to the party. Even if not, the investigation steps that follow will certainly trigger multiple checks. At the first opportunity that the party exploit, skill checks are explained. Each of the classes available to choose from are based without racial bonuses for simplicity. The statistics and skill scores are shown below. If any of your party have created their own character, then feel free to replace the below with the actual statistics. The games master should hand out a D20 to each player along with the skill sheet, and explain that as part of their actions, they may call for a skill check. The party should act as normal, and the game master will determine what skill to check against. A successful score will depend on the context of the action and the environment, and the player's score will be the sum of the dice roll and the skill modifier on their sheet.
Skill Barbarian Wizard Cleric Bard Sorcerer Rogue
Acrobatics +2 +2 -1 +4 +2 +5
Arcana -1 +5 0 +0 +3 +1
Deception 0 -0 +1 +4 +5 +5
Insight +1 +3 +3 0 0 0
Intimidation +3 -1 +3 +2 +5 +3
Investigation -1 +5 0 +1 +1 +3
Perception +3 +3 +5 +2 0 0
Performance 0 -1 +1 +5 +3 +1
Persuasion 0 -1 +1 +2 +3 +3
Sleight of Hand +2 +2 -1 +4 +2 +5
Stealth +2 +2 -1 +2 +2 +7

The investigation

The party should proceed to investigate the area, some examples of clues that they might find:
  • Crumbs around the area that the pie was left
  • Children who are very shy and quiet. Are they shy, or hiding something?
  • Other stall owners scornful at Mistress Arbither's confidence. Perhaps she realised she didn't have a chance and got rid of the pie herself, or maybe the children stole it, as their parents are distracted by the produce on offer
  • The Tiefling stall owner claims a small goblin took the pie
  • Children if pressed, agree that a small goblin was seen taking the pie towards the well at the edge of the square
  • Crumbs around the edge of the well
  • If asked, the townsfolk will explain that the well has been dry for years and is more ornamental than useful nowadays
  • The leonin will be sceptical of the tale of a goblin, goblins don't usually care for pastries, just ask Sproket. He feels sorry for the loss, but is suspicious of the children, always after free food, especially sweet pastries
  • Mistress Arbither is also sceptical of the goblin story, but does explain how this would never have happened had her apprentice, Nimby, been available to watch the produce instead of in lazing away at home as usual
  • Sproket the goblin is deep in concentration, but if the party can get his attention he'll have no knowledge of the missing pie, but ask the party to keep an eye out for his son while they're exploring

The Various Stalls

Around the square are stalls the the party may explore early on, or during the investigation. These are populated as follows:   
Stall Owner Description
Elven Herb Stall Elara Sunlight filters through the leaves suspended above the stall, casting dappled shadows on neatly displayed herbs and spices. A graceful elf with hair the color of moonlight tends the stall, her eyes sparkling. Every herb is labeled meticulously, and the air hums with a subtle magical fragrance. She speaks in soft, lilting tones, offering knowledge of each herb's properties and brewing potent concoctions for specific needs.
Dwarven Metalwork Stall Brokkr Sparks fly from a forge as a gruff dwarf hammers away at a piece of glowing metal. His stall displays intricate weapons, gleaming armor, and delicate jewelry, each piece showcasing impressive craftsmanship. He grunts greetings, his booming voice a stark contrast to the delicate items.
Halfling Bakery Stall Lobelia The aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries draws you to this cheerful stall. A plump halfling woman with flour-dusted cheeks beams at you, offering warm cookies and savory pies straight from the oven. Her stall bursts with colorful decorations and whimsical treats.
Tiefling Fortune Teller Zariel Shrouded in purple velvet curtains, a tiefling woman sits behind a crystal ball, her horns casting intricate shadows on the table. Her eyes glow with an inner fire as she beckons you closer, promising glimpses into your future. The atmosphere around the stall carries a hint of sulfur and intrigue.
If any of the party choose to have their fortune read, then an Arcana check is made. A high score will result in an exclamation from Zariel, as she proclaims the character to have a magnificent destiny ahead of them, and labels them Truth Seeker
Good Game game stall Markus This vibrant stall overflows with brightly colored stuffed toys and sweets. A human male oversees the games and is keen to welcome all players. Newcomers to the town get to play a game for free, everyone else must pay a silver piece. Two games are on offer, a test of skill and dexterity with darts and magically moving targets, and a test of fighting prowess with wooden blades.
Goblin Tinker Stall Sproket Gears whir and gadgets sputter at this chaotic stall, run by a hyperactive goblin tinkering with strange contraptions. He proudly displays his creations, from whirring music boxes to self-stirring mugs, each promising unique and unpredictable outcomes.
Mistress Arbither's Bakery Mistress Arbither Another bakery, this time with a clear specialty in pies of various sizes, shapes and flavours. The owner is doing a brisk trade, with customers often leaving with a different pie in each hand.

Solving the Crime

A combination of exploration, investigation and interrogation should lead the party to the well, where they will find the lazy gnome apprentice giggling away with his goblin friend as they tuck into the pie. On discovery, the pair will lob pieces of pie at the party and initiate combat.  

Introducing Combat

This session runs with a simplified combat system. Spellcasters have 2 uses of a single spell, plus a single multi-use cantrip. Barabarians attack once, with rage halving incoming damage, Rogues gain a simplified version of sneak attack.
Range for all movement and affected spells, is 30ft
Full details are below  
Class Initiative AC HP Main Attack Special/Spell
Barbarian +2 14 14 Greataxe | +5 to hit | 1d6+3 damage Rage (halves all incoming damage)
Wizard +2 12 8 Firebolt | +5 to hit | 1d8 damage Magic Missile | Auto hit | 1d6 damage
Cleric -1 16 11 Sacred Flame | Dex 13 save | 1d6 damage Heal | 1d4 heaing
Bard +2 13 10 Vicious Mockery | Wis 12 save | 1d4 damage Inspiration | 1d6 (added to any d20 roll)
Sorcerer +2 15 9 Frostbite | Con 13 save | 1d6 damage Earth Tremor | Dex 13 save | 1d6 damage
Rogue +3 14 9 Crossbow | +5 to hit | 1d6 damage
(2d6 hidden)
Dash or Hide

Subduing the Pair

Nimby the gnome will lob pie, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage with a +3 to hit. His AC is 12, but with +5 due to being in the well. After 2 shots, he will climb out of the well and hurl stones, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage. He has 20 HP
Pip'kin the goblin climbs out of the well immediately and runs to hide behind stalls, people or the environment. He attacks with a slingshot, +4 to hit, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If he can successfully hide (stealth check versus perception check made by his target), then he gets advantage on the roll, and +3 damage. He has 20 HP, and an AC of 13.  

Thanks for a job well done

Mistress Arbither will be distraught that her apprentice has betrayed her, but thanks the party and rewards them. The Leonin apologises for not taking the theft seriously, and congratulates the party. He suggests that the local mage Yanrish is looking for hardy adventurers, and gives them a leaflet confirming such. A number of the other stall owners also congratulate the party and offer them free food, which the party will almost certainly accept.   As evening falls, the party can look back on a day more eventful than they expected. But with full bellies, a grateful townsfolk, and the promise of work from the local mage, things are definitely looking up.   THE END
All maps and imagery created using Dungeon Alchemist


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Apr 6, 2024 16:13 by Kenneth Bignell

This is a great introductory one-shot. Good entry level and good entry to 5e. The pie as a weapon is great and made me smile although, 1d4 as damage seems pretty steep for pie. I would have gone with just 1 HP of damage for a hit. Rocks at 1d6 make good sense to me. The addition of the games at the beginning is great and a nice touch. Overall this is an enjoyable an imminently playable one-shot adventure for beginning players, and even for a new DM. Well done!