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The Gen-Hitik are a race with the upper body of a humanoid race, which can range from human to Orcs, and a lower body consisting of a long, snake-like tail. The males of the Gen-Hitik aren’t able to reproduce, and because of this the race is dependent on finding willing humanoid species to mate with them, or more commonly, to abduct them and force them into breeding with the females. This humanoid male is shared through the clan or society, but the elders have first breeding rights. Children born to Gen-Hitik always have upper humanoid bodies reminiscent of their fathers, while their lower bodies always consist of the usual long, large tail.
Ability Scores. CON +1, WIS +1. Also one ability score of your choice increases by one.
Age. Mature at a similar rate to their father’s species, ad may live for upwards of 200 years.
Size. Gen-Htik are slightly taller than humans, 6-8ft in heiht. Your tail requires an extra 5ft of space behind you at all times. You may rear up on your tail to gain an extra 5ft of vertical reach, but lose any walking speed while doing so. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Walking, swimming and climbing speed is 30ft.
Thermal Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. While in darkness, you perceive your surroundings in a thermal spectrum, with living creatures and warm surfaces unhidden by magic or thermal camouflage appearing as a heat signature due to your pit organ, but you cannot discern colors in darkness.
Serpent’s Senses. Advantage on Survival, Perception and Investigation checks to track, spot or locate living creatures unobscured by thermal camouflage or magic, and follow their trails. Also proficient in Survival skill.
Prehensile Tail. Can use your tail to make unarmed attacks. If you hit, you deal 1d6+STR bludgeoning dmg. Alternatively, your tail can be used make an attack action to grapple a creature. If successful, the creature is left constricted by your coiled tail until they succeed on a contested grapple check to escape. A creature that ends its turn this way takes 1d6+STR bludgeoning dmg, if you wish to harm it.
Mesothermal. Disadvantage on saving throws against spells and effects that deal Cold dmg and disadvantage on CON saving throws made to withstand environments of extreme cold.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Hitikian and one other language of your choice. This is usually Common, but can be the racial language from your father’s side.

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