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The Lamia are undead humanoids that has features such as pointed teeth, tails and horns. Their eyes comes in colorations of silver, white, black or red. The Lamia is the only race in Kor’Ai that publicly has declared themselves as vampires. As such, in addition to their evil appearance, most people are uncomfortable around them and they are often feared. The Lamia native to Caugash drink blood from animals, as other Lamia around the world. Some still battle with their ravenous, dark nature though. The Lamia commonly work as mercenaries, forest rangers, or guardians of important holy sites. In Caugash, the Lamia often live in dense forests or in underground dens or cave systems.
Ability Scores. STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1
Age. Lamia are immortal and can be any age, but you cannot be older than a thousand years, since that is when The Black Eclipe happened.
Size. Stand 5-7ft tall and average about 180 pounds. Size is Medium.
Speed. 30ft.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Lamian.
Undead. Your creature type is both humanoid and undead.
Unholy Body. You have resistance against necrotic damage and are immune to diseases. Healing potions deal poison damage to you, and to heal you must either drink blood, spend hit dice or finish a long rest.
Blood Drinker. You require sustenance in the form of blood . You do not need to feed or drink, but can digest food and drink if you want. You must ingest at least one ration of blood every seven days, or suffer one level of exhaustion. This can only be removed by drinking a ration of blood.
A ration of blood is the minimal amount you need each week to sustain you, but a pint of blood is required to not make you feel the urge and to uphold a civilized behavior. A ration of blood heals you for 1d4+1 HP, while a pint heals you for 2d4+2 HP.
Darkvision 120ft.
Bite. If a willing, paralyzed, charmed, incapacitated, restrained or grappled creature within 5ft of you, you may use a bonus action to deal 1d6 piercing damage and deal additional necrotic damage equal to your CON modifier. Drinking blood this way is equal to consuming a ration of blood. When you use Bite you can choose not to deal damage. The damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level, 11th level and 17th level.
Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit, you deal 1d4 + STR or DEX slashing dmg.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. You burn in the light of the sun, and take 5 radiant damage if you end your turn in direct sunlight. You also have disadvantage on any attack rolls and ability checks when in direct sunlight.
Misty Death. When you drop to 0 HP, you transform into a cloud of mist, if you aren’t in direct sunlight, in which case you are destroyed. While in mist form, you can’t take actions, speak or use objects. You are weightless, have a flying speed of 20ft, can hover and also enter a hostile creature’s space. Your mistform has advantage on STR, DEX and CON saving throws, and are immune to all nonmagical damage.
While you have 0 HP, you can’t revert back to your normal form. If you do not reach a location with enough grave dirt to house your body within 2 hours, you are destroyed. Once you are engulfed by grave dirt, you can revert to your normal form. You are then paralyzed until you regain at least 1 HP. After spending 12 hours in grave dirt, you regain 1 HP.

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