Arrow Mechanic

This is the arrow mechanic Anya is using in God Eaters: " The object is not to cheat the player out of arrows, but to force them to eventually address scarcity. " Procedure: 1. Use 4d6 as counters. Set all at 6. 2. AFTER EACH COMBAT roll one of the d6. Exception: if you are combat where you'll likely lose arrows (ie. fighting a flame monster, stone golem, flying creatures, etc. If that's the case, set a d6 at 1 automatically.) Result: 1-3 You recover NO arrows. Set that dice to 1. Result: 4-6 You recover arrows. Keep that dice at 6. 3. When all four d6s are at ONE, you have ONE LAST ARROW! 4. To get more arrows, you have to craft them or buy them ... or steal them, I guess.
  Additional Rules: 1. SINGLE SHOT: If you shoot only ONE arrow, do not roll a dice. 2. HASTY EXIT: You don't have time to recover your arrows. Set a dice to 1. 3. ENEMY SALVAGE: If your opponent is using arrows, it's likely that you will be able to salvage theirs. In that case, do not bother to roll a d6. However, the DM reserves the right to decide if there is something WRONG with those arrows!
  This rule does not apply to special arrows. These are not recoverable.


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