Demigods; Regular patrons at The Hearthkeeper Inn
Below is a list of demigods who are confirmed patrons at The Hearthkeeper Inn and Tavern. Unlike their all-powerful parents, they intermingle with mortals both effortlessly and wholeheartedly. They've incorporated their lives so much with the rhythms of the city, countryside, and high seas, that it's often impossible to discern their true identity unless, of course, they reveal it willingly. The following includes their name, gender, and what domain they lend their patronage to. Berrybud (M)Laughter Mig (F)Poison Malora (F) Lost travelers Geloulad (M) Trench Coats Fencey (F) Gamblers Cloudcobble (M) Street Sweepers Madah-Azavi (F)Turnip Merchants Gonqwun (M) Argonaut Herders Qisaria (F) Lost Souls Mardon (M) Coal Miners He Sheree (M) Pastry Chefs Thinta (F)Writers Levra-Lavi (F) Town Criers Petulon (M) Children Who Never Get Their Way Valrius (M) Aristocrats Brivara (F) Acolytes Tashtay (F) Brew masters