Dwarves of Law

The DREIGNOR, aka The Old Dwarves, aka The Ancient Ones, aka The Dwarves of Law. They refer to the Dwarves we know and love as UCGNOR, the Lesser Dwarves.   The Dreignor ruled not only Korav, but most of the Material Plane, over 250,000 years ago. Their empire was a technocracy. Their science and lore was so advanced that it seemed like magic.   They made war on other Planes and even fought a campaign on the Gods themselves. The War in the Heavens ended in a truce with the Gods agreeing to the establishment of the God Nodes. Created and maintained by the Dwarves, these Nodes connected to each other and regulated the power of the Gods. This ensured that no God became more powerful than the others, and that Gods were no longer able to affect the Prime Plane directly. This left the material world completely to the Dreignor.   The Dreignor ruled for 100,000 years. Then, over the course of a week, they completely vanished. This event is known as "Dreignor-Kep", literally "The Old Dwarves Vanish." On the Korav Universal Calendar (KUC), this event marks Year 0.   Disappointingly, most of their technology disappeared with them. These days, a piece of Old Dwarf technology is a rare and valuable find. Though the Dreignor cities are gone, several of their constructions survive. One example of this is the Great Spans of Derbridge in the World of Ba'Sal

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