Examples of Tarot Reading

1. A Great Reading   The group decides to do a reading for the Session. They elect Anya as DIVINER.   Anya rolls her INSIGHT CHECK and gets a 17. She adds that to her DIVINER SKILL of +1 (she had a bit of training). That's a 18. (Note: This cannot be influenced by any means. No Inspiration, no Bless. It's always a raw roll.   Though a mysterious process, Doug secretly determines that this will make the reading  BLESSED. In other words, it will improve the events of the session in your favour.    He informs the party that Anya feels that this reading will be either NORMAL or BLESSED.    Anya draws the first card. It is the TALKING HEAD.    Doug notes that the TALKING HEAD gives a luck score of +2. Your luck score is now 2. He keeps that to himself.   Doug says: 
The Talking Head means "unexpected wisdom", "quick resolution of problems", or "diplomatic resolution of a conflict."
The Party notes that information.   The party agrees that STEFAN draws the second card. It is the NARWHAL.   Doug notes privately that the NARWHAL gives a luck score of +1. Your luck score is now 3.    Doug says: 
The Narwhal means "exotic or forbidden knowledge", "a unique being", "a strange monster."
  The Party notes that.   The party agrees that SILAS draws the third and final card. It is the BAGPIPES but UPSIDE DOWN (groundward, to use the deck terminology)   Doug notes privately that BAGPIPES (groundward) gives a luck score of -1. Your final luck score is 2.   Doug says:
The final card is the Bagpipes, in a Groundward orientation. Upside down like that, it means "powerful disruption", "hearing loss", or "huge full moon".
  Doug reminds the party that this Reading was either NORMAL or BLESSED, and that thus it will be positive. There is a good chance it will be true.    The party now INTERPRETS the cards.   Rayne:
"I think this means we will encounter a monster that uses sound as a weapon, and that we should use diplomacy on it to defeat it."
I think it's going to be a monster that plays the Bagpipes upside-down and that we should kill it right away before it can play.
Seven Hells, the prophecy is clear. I think we will meet a Wizard who will give us unexpected wisdom with forbidden knowledge when he moons us! It's as clear as the nose on your face.
  Anya rolls her eyes at this. The party debates the meaning and then states which one they believe: Rayne's.   Since the prophecy was blessed, Doug notes that it is highly likely that the next random encounter will be with a monsters that uses sound as a weapon and will give the group Advantage on Persuasion rolls to resolve the matter diplomatically!


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