
Birel suggested I put this down, that perhaps writing it out will allow my mind to move on from this memory. . .   As I fell unconscious, nothing out of the ordinary occurred - this was nothing I hadn't experienced before - I felt the cold dirt, the wind of the unseen creature attacking me, the damp air of the underground tomb we were in. I would come back from this, I just needed rest. It wasn't until something touched me, that a frightening change occurred. The creature drained me, and in an instant, all sense of connection was gone and I found myself in a void. Just endless nothing.   I cannot say how long I was there. Seconds, hours, days, time seemed to pass, I was just existing in a cold, dark expanse. After a time, a soft glow appeared in the distance, and I ran (was it running?) toward it, desperate for change and answers. As I came closer, images began to appear within the light...   My mother, surrounded in the green glow of my earlier vision, her hand extended as if to touch my face. Once she made contact, more images came from the light, and I was surrounded by everyone from home: my father, Keaden, Elelor, Rae, Bry, Nambra, and many others encircled me. There were so many that I was unable to see them all, and it was overwhelming to take in. Turning back, I locked eyes with my mother and she smiled warmly as they all vanished.  As my friends and family faded away, a single person came strolling out of the light, eventually materializing into Sikander, flipping his coin with that knowing smile of his. The warmth and comfort of his presence surprised me, but in the next moment, something seemed to click and feel right about the dwarf being here, and I found myself smiling back at him. Catching the coin, he looked down, grinned with a nod, then looked up as if to speak.  As he did, Tal came bounding from the glow, jumping through the fading image of my friend, and began rubbing against my legs. This was the first real sensation since the visions started, and his constant, warm presence came through the strongest. I knelt down, reaching out for him, anxious to hold him close. Hugging him to my chest, he turned and licked my face just before he too faded away.   I stood alone for a moment when the warm glow began to shift, changing into silver hoof prints that led away into the void. Following them, a giant white circle slowly materialized, hovering before me. When I reached out, it changed into a full moon. Hand outstretched still, I hesitantly continued to reach for the moon, unsure what would happen if I should actually touch it. I watched it rise above me and slowly wane into a crescent.    That was when I heard my name. My arm dropped in shock at the sound of her couldn't be...why would she be here?   The thought barely crossed my mind when the crescent began to drift down and shift in a beautiful, ageless female elven figure, standing just five feet tall, dressed in a silver and blue diaphanous gown flowing around her. Her long, silver blonde hair flowed down her back, and a soft smile rested on her face.   Looking up at me, Sehanine Moonbow whispered, "Return."   Frozen in place, unable to respond, I stared at her, dumbfounded, when she spoke again, a bit louder, "Return".   I finally dropped to my knees before her, tears forming as I tried to speak, to ask my questions, but nothing came out. Instead, she leaned forward, taking my face gently in both of her hands. As she did, a warmth coursed through me and her voice echoed through my being...."Return".   As her voice reverberated through me, the light grew brighter, unbearably so, forcing me to close my eyes and shield them with my hand. A moment later, my eyes opened to the sunrise shining through the window to my right, an unknown elf stood over me, the talisman of The Lunar Lady dangling from her hand over my chest as she finished her incantation...


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