Sikander's Dwarven Rules for Living

The following is a list of dwarven rules, idioms, expressions, and prayers. Although this is Sikander's list, most dwarves have their own personalized collection that they carry with them.   1. Do not grab a dwarf by the beard, unless you no longer require the use of your arms   2. Trying to know an elf is like trying to sharpen a hammer   3. The new day greets us warmly, asking us to be better than the day before.   4. Every so often declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.   5. Smile and greet three strangers daily.   6. Never be trapped between the hammer and the anvil.   7. Laugh at your own folly.   8. The enemy may dig your grave, but you do not have to jump in it.   9. Fortune favors the prepared mind   10. Laugh at the folly of others   11. Have the reach of a giant and the wits of a field mouse.   12. Opportunity plus instinct equals victory   13. One dwarf beneath the wall, is worth ten humans above   14. When the enemy fails to break, add more fuel to the forge   15. A fist is mightier than five fingers   16. May the gods continue to send us such stupid enemies!   17. Better to fight under an open field, than upon it.   18. Communication is like a canary in a coal mine. Once it stops, people die.   19. In deep darkness, the fire always burns brighter.   20. A rock can be a mountain.   21. A blunt axe is still an axe   22. First the battle, then the beer.   23. A honeyed word in a dragon's ear will save your life.   24. Pray with the holy during the day. Drink with the heathen during the night   25. Be as unmovable as a mountain but strike as a volcano   26. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.   27. Don't trust anyone wearing better clothes than you.   28. You can't help the needy if you're dead.   29. Hear all, trust nothing   30. Never fight on an empty stomach   31. When your enemy burns with rage, throw more coal on the fire   32. Even a diamond will break under repeated hammering   33. The gods send the food, and the demons send the cooks   34. Gambling is the easiest habit to quit. I've done it a thousand times.   35. There is no greater foe, than the one that lies within us.   36. To defeat an army of elves, you never attack the elves. You burn the forest.   37. When your foe wants to retreat, build them a golden bridge.   38. It's better to have a dwarven axe at your side, than in your head.   39. Never judge a dwarf, until you have spent a day at his forge, and worked with his hammer   40. There's not a problem that a good hammering can't solve   41. Don't fret about the mountains ahead; worry about the pebble in your shoe.   42. If someone throws you to wolves, be certain to return, leading the pack.   43. Every halfling is a mixture of madness and genius.   44. A gem cannot be polished, without being knocked around.   45. Those that gamble together, should fight together.   46. The stones will sing if you let them.   47. Break with one hand and build with the other.   48. Good work praises itself   49. Always keep to new roads, but to old friends.   50. It's better to have steel in your veins than in your hands.   51. He who keeps his tongue, keeps his friends.   52. May Moradin keep you in his hand, and never close his fist too tight.   53. You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your parents were.   54. A hangover is nothing more than a Dwarven flu.   55. A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.   56. It's better to have more teeth than troubles.   57. Always raise a toast to your enemy's enemies.   58. May misfortune follow you the rest of your life, and never catch up.   59. A mountain has two views.   60. Here's to the afterlife! May the stay there, be as fun as the way there.   61. May the hinges of friendship, never grow rusty.   62. If you get your wishes all in one day, you'll have nothing to strive for.   63. Fine words do not produce food.   64. Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet.   65. Rain does not fall on one head alone.   66. Always measure actions before ancestry.   67. A dwarf without an axe is a bearded imposter.   68. Don't tell your friends more than they need to know.   69. Wisdom and luck are two sides of the same coin.   70. You are not responsible for the stupidity of others.   71. If you can't take it with you, then don't go.   72. Always answer a question with a question.   73. It's not a lie, if you believe it.   74. To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it.   75. A day without laughter, is a day wasted.   76. Never let schooling interfere with your education.   77. When angry, count to four. When very angry start swinging.   78. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.   79. Never give a sword to a man that can't dance.   80. The best time to dig a mine was ten years ago. The next best time, is today.   81. If it is not right, do not do it. If it is not true, do not say it.   82. Time is the wisest of all counselors.   83. Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in losing one.   84. Always tip the bard.   85. Never complain if you have no shoes, for there are some who have no feet.   86. If you start on a journey of revenge, be sure to dig two graves.   87. When weighing the words of others, make sure you use your own scales.   88. If someone asks too many questions, offer them another ale.   89. A mountain does not need allies. It needs roots and nothing more.   90. No amount of platinum cannot buy lost honor.   91. Tradition is the voice of the ancestors.   92. Always put your trust in stone and iron.   93. Honor those who have honored themselves.   94. Do not forget your ancestral obligations.   95. Do not envy those who live easy lives.   96. Always outthink your enemy, before you try to outfight them.   97. Look for opportunity within chaos.   98. Be sure to treat your enemy generously before you destroy them.   99. A wise dwarf learns from the failures of others   100. Die in such a way that the dark powers fear your arrival to their realm.   101. Rage without focus is madness.   102. Heroes are forged on the anvil of pain.   103. There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.   104. Be one part brave; and three parts fool   105. Do not fight the same enemy for too long, lest you become like them.   106. The embellishment of tale is a dwarven birthright.   107. A long winter makes a sweet wine.

Cover image: by Brittany Scott


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