The Secret History of the Dreignor: Volume 1

Tᚺᛖ Sᛖcᚱᛖᛏ Hᛁᛊᛏᛟᚱy ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ Dᚱᛖᛁᚷᚾᛟᚱ: Vᛟᛚᚢᛗᛖ II The Secret History of the Dreignor: Volume II"   “A generation after the disappearance of the DR---GNOR, the dwarven king, Molashion the Humble forged an alliance with the elvish queen Sylmare Thephara I, within the Icespires foothills.   They believed the combination of their two peoples’ reputable powers could locate, unearth, and unlock the potent technology of the DR---GNOR. This alliance began excavating near an abandoned mine believed to be of ancient origin. For three years, they dug and delved with pick, shovel, and sacral fire, burrowing ever deeper. This great work lasted until one night, Molashion the Humble had a dream.   In it, he was working feverishly in the exact tunnel as he and his allies. His pick struck a mishappen stone and suddenly a fiery bird emerged. It spoke to him and promised that the next day, he would uncover what he was looking for but to be wary of the lust of the elves. For the elvish Queen could not be trusted and would do treacherous things if she secured the ancient treasure first.   Molashion woke and quickly summoned his commanders. Advising them of the elvish intention to betray them, he ordered that the elvish camp be sieged immediately.   However, Sylmare Thephara also was gifted with a similar dream, and she summoned her commanders to do the same.   The two forces rushed towards the other’s camp in the dead of night. They fought ruthlessly, showing no mercy to one another. Blades, lighting, fire, and arrows converged, and bodies quickly lay strewn between the two camps. With each hour, the sky darkened further, chasing away the dawn. After several hours of fighting, the king and queen lay dead and there were only ten survivors – five elves and five dwarves. Looking at the mass slaughter they sheathed their weapons and withdrew from the battlefield.   However, before returning to their respective people, each of them claimed to have seen six figures standing at the mouth of the now-abandoned mine. They were unarmored and clothed in robes that glowed like embers, with the pattern of a flamed bird upon them. The faces and stature resembled the characteristics of dwarves and elves – an ancient, unheard-of intermingling of the races.   The mysterious figures raised their arms and pointed a command for the survivors to leave immediately. The bodies of the fallen remained exposed to the elements, as a macabre memorial to the foolish ambitions of those who search out secrets that they shouldn’t. As of this writing, no soul has returned to that mine, and the northern alliance of elves and dwarves remains broken.”


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