Vallic Undahill

Notes about Vallic Undahill From "A Blink Away From Danger: The Adventures of Anya Galanodel" by Squire Ubik (published 1786)   Vallic Undahill is a halfling rogue of the arcane variety and quite capable with his daggers. Currently operating around Waterdeep and a marked member of the Zhentarim, he has a quick tongue, can be charming when it suits him, and is a master within the shadows. Known to travel with an snowy white screech owl named Owl Capone, Vallic carries himself with a confident ease and the raiment of a well off gentleman, but subdued in colors, allowing him to blend in with a crowd.   Vallic and Anya met up in 1492 and they travelled to Phandalin together after learning about a dragon problem. He stuck close to her, helping her reconnect with folks and she kept him out of trouble or covered for him depending on what he was up to.   Once Sikander joined the party, the pair developed a love/hate relationship as Vallic would periodically pick pockets, loot gold offerings from Tymora's statue, and stayed relatively closed lipped with the party about what he was really up to.   Anya eventually learned he was trying to join the Zhentarim and was searching for the person who killed his found family, at any cost.   Vallic disappeared one night having gotten word Eidric Salazar was in the area. He took off without a word, and Anya only able to reach him by sending stone.   Fast forward a year and the halfling reappears outside the ancient green dragon Claugiamatar's lair as Anya and her crew, sans Sikander exit. They go hunting for a necromancer at the dragon's request and in the process find him, along with three Cherries - one of which was Eidric. The fight ends with the necromancer and the other two Cherries dead, and Vallic killing Eidric, then realizing his friend and brother had been possessed. They bring him back, and the pair make up, and Vallic puts Eidric in Anya's debt, telling him to make sure he helps here however he can.   Hugging his "sister" he explains the need to get better answers, and takes off again heading for Waterdeep with Eidric in tow.


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Oct 10, 2023 16:53

Britt, I made this journal entry in-game by inventing a future biographer of Anya and his book "A Blink Away from Danger". This of course awaits your approval or editing!