Voza Squigglediggle

Voza Squigglediggle is a gnome acolyte who is dedicated to the school of 'Where The Hells Did That Come From?' (Conjuration). (Gnomish: Drez Va Shinjenja)
  She is able to faithfully conjure both items and beings with great consistency. Unfortunately, there is a large gap between what she intends to conjure and what is actually conjured.
  Her most famous conjuration was supposed to be of a dairy cow. It ended up being a Gold Dragon named Gradrathon who was far from impressed with her handiwork.
  She had to quickly summon a master from the School of Powerful Parlance to persuade the great dragon not to destroy her outright.
  The master succeeded but only after making many sacred promises to Gradrathon.

Cover image: by Brittany Scott


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