Welcome to The Worlds of Korav

Worlds of Korav

Some worlds are a sphere. Some are great tree. Korav is a knot. Picture a god with a ribbon. When she starts, it is a long thin strip. But then she folds it around and joins it end to end. Then she twists it and twists it again.  

She holds now hold 3 loops, joined at the crossing. But she is bored with this, and wants to do more. So she moves her hands across each of the loops, moving them into other dimensions. So, if you were to stand on any loop, you would think your world is alone.


What she now holds in her hands is a twisted ribbon, with three parts which each occupy different dimensions. What she holds, is the Worlds of Korav.


Three worlds separate from each other, but one continuous length. This means it would be possible for a traveller, if she had enough time, to walk the length of the ribbon, and thereby stroll into a different dimension.


One could start in Ba'Sal, where the Skyships fly the trade routes along the Leylines from Twin Crowns to far off Chung Kuo and Yamato. After merely a lifetime of walking, you would come to First High Crossing. Here a few steps would take you into Trenn, where primeval forests grow thick and the mountains of Lang-Xue lift their frozen peaks to the dazzling aurora sky. A few more lifetimes of hard travel and you would walk through the Second High Crossing into the World of Hurt, a fallen land of darkness and greed, where magic is scarce and commerce is king.


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