
Created by: FourOverFour   In conjunction with: Danthebard, Amayer, AKA, Waldom, Jimbo, and Cartographer Jog Brogzin
From the remote desert shores of Elurryh, to the high mountains of Avancross, to the dimly lit streets of Evernight. A world so teeming with life and beauty, that there are those who wish to take it for themselves. As evil lurks in the shadows, defenders are born in the light. But it is what resides in the areas of grey that show the true future and potential of this world.   Welcome to Koria! The first world of The Danger Planet. A magical world where time and space seem to fold upon itself, lending factual histories to be inaccurate, legends to be gospel, and the mundane to be fantastical and strange.    


[To ~477 B.D.]   Before records date, a group of four formless, sentient entities made of pure energy came upon a void of nothing. The four energies, gave up their forms to create a singular point infused with pure elemental energy, chaos, and raw potential magic. The four elemental energies threaten to destroy themselves until an entity named in the ancient tongue Telamoc, or Keeper, found it. It expanded to form time and space, bringing light and darkness into being. The energies reformed overtime into new entities, each fighting the other for dominance of the creation primordial. They spawned their own beings, minor elementals that fought for them. The creation of secondary elements spawned after a time from the clashes and skirmishes. Some even creating a vacuum of space and concentrations of pure elemental life. The gods came from beyond the ether, new and formless. Drawn to the energies and chaos. Seeing potential in the land to bare new life, they tamed parts of the chaos, using parts of the primordial magics and themselves to create the elves, the dwarves, and then the humans. The rest followed, but as they wished to find shelter in this land, it was treacherous and difficult. Thus the gods gave the gift of divine magic to help tame the elements.  

The First Dungeons & Dragons

As the elements were tamed, the gods created metallic dragons to protect the first children. Roars from these dragons and the divine magic of the newly formed brought the wrath and attention of the elemental titans. From the vacuums and concentrations of pure elemental power, the lack and super concentration of energy tore a hole into the abyss. Bringing forth demons from the depths.  

The Gaps

This knowledge is where common knowledge ends. Only stories from different cultures seem to give any piece of history. It is quite well known that there are gaps in the knowledge of history. It is unknown how this came to be. Scholars strive to bridge the gaps in knowledge of the not-so-distant past, while those who strive for chaos push conspiracies that have a vice-like hold in the minds of the common folk.       About 3 minutes 20 seconds       Koria boasts 3 major continents at the present time.   Avancross, land of civilization, beauty, and wealth.    The continent from   Finally, Elluryh land of monsters and mysteries. There are few to have gone exploring by the boundaries of this land, and even fewer who make it back alive. Its coastal waters are protected by monstrosities of the deep and weather that makes travel near impossible. It is said that great treasures are laid to rest there for heroes worthy of their dangers.           Located on the continent of Avancross, the West End houses the cradle of our first story. A city created from corpse of dragon from a time long forgotten. It's rib cage towering around the majority of the city, acting as keeping residents and structures                            

Arcane Creations

[~476 B.D. - 92 B.D.]   Slaughter and grief of these early creations angered and frustrated the gods. Some implored the others to restart the world by helping the primordial titans; in effect destroying the demons which pored through due to the immense amount of grief. The other gods did not wish to abandon their children in hope for a new age even though their people suffered. This caused a divide, some gods left to join the madness, twisting some children to fit their needs. The remaining gods, called the Faithful Deities from here on, taught their children the way of using magic without Divine needs. These were the first arcane magics. Learning to draw from the magic that infuses every particle of the world around them.  

The First Civilization

The children of the Faithful used their newly found magic to imprison the Betrayer Gods to their own realms. The Primordials, were then scattered into a plane of their own. At peace, the first civilizations of the Tri-Valley were created, including the city of Elogarr. Over many years, the children began to feel there was no need of gods, as they had no sway over their fate. They began to become faithless and build, create and destroy using magic.                   Eons before records date, a group of four formless, sentient entities made of pure energy came upon a void of nothing. The four energies, gave up their forms to create a world infused with pure elemental energy, chaos, and magic. The primordial chaos churned without order when a larger group of new entities were drawn to its entropic, radiant energies. Similar to the Elemental Four, they desired to create. They tamed the chaos.      

The Rise of the Imprisoned

[92 B.D. - 0 B.D.]   One mage, learning the ways to create life and death, ended up killing one god and replacing them on the Pantheon of the Faithful. Another mage saw this and grew jealous. Seeking the Betrayer Gods, breaking the imprisonment on the gods of Hate and Destruction. They taught him their ways and used them as a vehicle to fell other Gods and break the hold on the other Betrayer Gods. The War of the Faithful and the Betrayed ensued. The gods of the Betrayed had used their prison as a way to strategize and become stronger beyond the eyes of the Faithful. They used their influence to release the primordials and rain a hellfire of chaos on the world.  

The Great Seal & The Divine Veil

As many died, one god, who had been in exile by choice since the imprisonment, came up with a plan with 4 children of the Faithful. These valiant heroes sought to separate all gods from the material plane for all time. Convincing the Gods of the Faithful, the elves, the dwarves, the humans, and the little-kin used artifacts imbued with magic to fell and confine the gods of the imprisoned, Using the Divine Veil, all gods were sealed away. But not before the 4 mages became one with the gods. Using their power to still influence the material plane, each sealed away the titans as the newly founded 4 elemental gods. Knowledge of this event faded over time. Before departure, the god who had been in exile sealed away a magical scroll. One which would enlighten the world once they world was ready.  

The Legacy of Elogarr and the Kingdom of Elluryh

[1 P.D. - 286 P.D.]   The abyss was kept at bay and sealed within its own plane. However, the cost of this was the destruction of the once great Elogarr civilization, along with all its written knowledge and technology. From stories of word and some written works, now seen as fantasy and legends, Elogarr became a story of hope, valor and faith. Which helped to create the new found kingdom of Elluryh.