
God of Blood

This article contains mentions of blood, killings, sacrifices and more blood. For he is the God of Blood. You were warned.


  Idur is a remnant from the days of old, from the early days of Hulwar as the people from outside came back into Hulwar; where his name was quite different, where he was an entire different deity called ███████.   Now Idur is the God of Blood of the human nation Hulwar, a man wearing a mask of a horned, now extinct, type of Antilope. Which gives him the appearence of a demon, but he isn't one.    


  Idur was dreamt into existence with Zumyar, Quelgar and Thyemis by the people of Hulwar, shortly before Luseus and Sharhardrar. He ties into the whole "blood is life" way of thinking with Thyemis, but also in the thoughts that blood is everything. Be it disease, be it death, be it life, be it food or the ties every living being has to the world and the gods.   They pictured him sitting in a pool of water with nothing around him, which makes Idur sometimes really angry, because everything he sees is red and liquid. And he loves it, the red liquid, but sometimes he just want to see different things. People. Mountains. Birds. Screaming men, women and children, all bleeding away.  


  Idur loves to be worshipped and he hates that he only got one ritual per year, not four for every season. The daily rituals help a bit, but he is never satisfied. He whispers to his fellow gods, try to spark quarrel, fear, anger and war between them or other nations/phanteons. He might be not the god of war, but he loves the bloodshed. For that bloodshed he will do everything in his power to make it happen.   His priests and priestess have to learn a lot about blood, veins and the ways certain diseases travel through the bloodstream. How blood can be tarnished, spoiled, rot or get infected. How one can "heal" people or kill them. How blood pressure can be used to ease the pain of child labour, to support it or kill mother and child in the process.   Due to the studies Idur doesn't have many priests and priestesses. They need to thoroughly study the blood, the mechanics of bodies - every kind of body - and the reaction of the bodies fluids with blood. And it is a test of character. Idur doesn't have a problem with that when his worshippers and his priesthood have a literal bloodbath, drink blood or do whatever with it. He has a problem with it when they lose control over their instincts and just kill without sense and waste blood. That is one of the few unplanned occasions when he shows himself and do whatever he likes.   On rare occasions he becomes hormonal and leaves his temple for a few days, maybe weeks. Either he seeks out one of his priestessess, a female follower or some female he find interesting. Everytime it is quite a party and a demigod emerges from those occasions. Idur has always a good laugh because of it.    


  There are two rituals for Idur, but there can be more. Custom ones or personal ones. The mortals thought about and instituted them. The daily ritual is held in the morning and the Ritual of Flowing Blood at the end of each year so the worshippers of Idur can survive another year.  

Daily Ritual

  There is nothing much to say about this small ritual. People cut open a part of their body - a small cut into the finger suffices - and drop blood into a silver bowl. They speak a few words to Idur, ask for protection against blood diseases or bloodthirsty things out of their own home and conclude the ritual with a thanks that they have survived the day before. Normally Idur hears them, the blood starts to boil and vanishes.   If not... well, you are in trouble and you need to go to his temple. Maybe the priesthood or the god himself can help.  

Ritual of Flowing Blood

  The Ritual of Flowing Blood is a huge sacrificing event in the temple of Idur himself. He might attend himself or not, depending on his mood. The ritual itself is relatively simple. People are gathering in the main hall of the temple and bring their sacrifice with them. Nearly all of them have bought an animal of some sorts, but some individuals just don't want to live, want to have their soul and body given to Idur, so they sacrifice themself and are in the huge basin the sacrifices are gathered. Most animals are re-used or just straight away eaten in a huge barbecue after the ritual.   Once the priesthood had concluded their praises and prayers, the basin is open. That means, everyone who wishes can take a short or long bath in the blood. During nearly every monthly ritual people get drunk on the drinks and the smell of blood and so they take the bath willingly. It results in interesting activities in which the god may take part or not. Children aren't allowed to take part in the bathing and only if they are fourteen years or older they can attend the ritual itself.  

Of Blood & Sorrow

"It didn't didn't vanish... what am I going to do now? Mother, what can I do?"
— A child having a panic attack during the daily ritual
"He was with me. For hours. I couldn't sleep. My body wanted him. My mind wanted him more. I don't know how much time has passed, but after he was gone, I was... like this. And at this rate I'm going to have his child in a few weeks."
— Pregnant woman after a visit from Idur
"War is not his domain, but he likes it. Not because of the death and the famine, no, because of the blood. Every kill, every dying person is a sacrifice to the god of war and the god of blood. I don't think Idur can be exterminated by killing his followers. There will be bloodshed until the sun goes out and the universe collapses. Maybe he is the only true undying god, besides the Eternals."
— Roland to Vrinis
-twelve priests
-six priestesses
-six people in training, four women and two men
-sixty Knights of Idur
-a vault full of gold
-artefacts from his former being
The temple itself is a narrow building in the woods west from Manvongr, build from grey stone. The priesthood lives here and it has two large rooms at earth-level, living quarters at the same level and a lot of rooms underground for various purposes.
Sign of Worship
The sign of worship is a small pendant with a drop of blood in it, just like the drop of water in the pendant of Luseus.
Pendant of Idur by CrazyEddie via Midjourney

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Character Portrait image: Idur, God of Blood by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Jun 27, 2024 21:59

"Maybe Uncle Blood is the only true god, yo."
  What a spooky, yet understandable idea. Good stuff, Eddie. I also find it a bit funny how Idur sometimes leaves his house to have a kid; the phrasing of it, mainly.

Jun 30, 2024 12:34

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. :)

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Jun 28, 2024 09:24

Der Typ ist echt ein Soziophat unter den Göttern, oder?
Mir gefällt das er eigentlich sauer ist wegen der "wenigen Rituale", zugleich aber bei den wenigen Ritualen die er hat, auch gerne mal wegbleibt, je nachdem Bock hat.
(Ganz nebenbei zuerst erwähnst du das er nur das Tägliche und das Jährliche Ritual hat, dann jedoch wird das zweite Ritual zu einem monatlichen Event - was bei seinen Anhängern ziemlich ins Geld gehen dürfte)

Er bekommt extra Bonuspunkte dafür das er einfach auch mal Party macht und Frauen aufreißt - Wie viele Halbgötter gibt es derzeit von ihm?

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-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Jun 30, 2024 12:29

Ein wenig, ja? :D

Hab ich geändert, ich meinte eigentlich jährlich, sonst wäre er ja nicht sauer wegen der wenigen Rituale.

Aktuell gibt es keinen, der letzte seiner Halbgötter wurde von der Inquisition ein paar Dekaden zuvor in einem Gemetzel niedergemacht. Ich würde aber davon ausgehen, dass wir zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt (30 Jahre nach dem Spiral Incident), bald wieder einen sehen werden. Und dieses Mal tritt dann auch Roland in Erscheinung.^^

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Jun 29, 2024 07:32

Nice little anecdotes as always and I like the assets and rituals. Interesting deity who at least deep down seems to have a mini heart when it comes to not just killing out of pure bloodlust. However, if he often gets annoyed at how people see him or don't pay him enough homage, why hasn't he taken revenge on them yet or is his occasional participation/impregnation/not receiving the daily sacrifice his little revenge on the humans?

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 30, 2024 12:33

Thank you kindly.

The thing is, he can't just run rampage to satisfy his bloodlust. Inevitably he would run into the followership or the area of power from another deity and that would cause war between gods. A thing where there is no winner, only losers. So he tries to be as calm as possible, but as you read, that is not an easy task.^^

The impregnation is more of fun, but one could say it would also involve a bit of a revenge-thought, yes. It is a "Why should I pay attention to you when you only give so little?" thinking and that is the reason he doesn't show up on some rituals.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Jun 30, 2024 14:24 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Interesting deity. I like the thought that he might be undying.

Emy x
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