Aslak, the Cornerstone Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Aslak, the Cornerstone

Divine Domains


Physical Description

Body Features

Aslak manifests as a colossal behemoth that merges the awe-inspiring grandeur of dragons with the unyielding resilience of living stone. His scales are literally slabs of weathered granite. His eyes blaze like molten gold, casting an eerie light that bathes the nearby landscape.

Special abilities

Aslak moves through stone as easily as mortals move through air. He doesn't dig or burrow; he simply passes through it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aslak is called the Firstborn of the Spheres as he is the oldest being that exists who was born, not created. His father was Asgorn, though his mother's identity is lost to mortal knowledge, for it extends deep into the mists of prehistory, indeed even deep into the primordial history. His status as firstborn is indisputed, however, by any being in the multiverse, including the Elder Titans. Legend states that his birth caused the Primordial Being Reghanje to manifest.

During the Ascendancy of Dragons, the Sovereign Supreme appointed Aslak to be the Legislator, responsible for the promulgation and enforcement of Law. After the Fall of Dragons, he returned to his realm on the Plane of Earth, where he resides to this day.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aslak is rigid in thought. He values set guidelines and stability, but he is inflexible. Once a course of action is decided upon, he will follow that course to its end, for good or ill. For this reason, he is a perfect champion of law and of order.

Morality & Philosophy

Laws exist for the protection and benefit of all. Ignoring them leads to harm; they must be followed to the letter.

Personality Characteristics


Aslak seeks stability. Everything he does is predicated on the enhancement and preservation of stability.

Divine Classification
Younger Titan


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