Banggu, King of Infernia Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Banggu, King of Infernia

Banggu is the King of Infernia, the Duke of Superbia, and the Lord of Pride. He is technically banished to Infernia, but his exile bothers him not a bit, as he reaches out and influences events elsewhere through those for whom he does favors. He is a known enemy of Sanshar and Ahmsu, though his relationship with Choris is unclear. He also is known to have allied with Rogiq, lending her the services of Mroz, one of his lieutenants. Together, Rogiq and Mroz brought about the Fall of Dragons.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Order, Trickery


Banggu is worshipped on the soltices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Banggu makes no secret of his intent to rule the Spheres.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Materially, Banggu presents as a handsome masculine figure with a muscular physique, glossy black hair, carnelian skin, and a flawless van dyke. His face is the very image of chiseled handsomeness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the mists of prehistory, Banggu was involved in some kind of conflict with most of the Elder Titans, along with others. He was banished to Infernia, his home, when he lost. From there he extends his will into the rest of the Spheres, exerting influence and doling out favors to the twisted and desperate in exchange for whatever he may desire.

He allied with Rogiq before the Fall of Dragons, lending her one of his legions under the command of his lieutenant, Mroz. He did this in exchange for three eggs from her, which he fertilized and hid. They lie hidden still, and his purposes for them are a secret he keeps for himself.


Banggu is masculine and heterosexual. He is also monogamous at any given point in time, though he has had a succession of partners, each in their turn.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Through gile and trickery, as well as superior negotiation, Banggu has secured the undisputed sovereignty over all of Infernia. Every devil, Devil Lord, and Arch Devil owes him their allegiance via unbreakable contract.

Intellectual Characteristics

Banggu is not malicious in the sense that most understand the term. He seeks dominion over all the Spheres because he believes that only under his dominion can there be order and stability. His evil lies in his pride and will to dominate, rather than any inherent intent to cause pain or suffering, though he is more than willing to inflict ultimate suffering upon those who cross him.


Banggu will deceive; in fact, he does it often. But he does not lie. His deceptions are half-truths, innuendoes, and concealed truth.

Personality Characteristics


Banggu wants to rule the Spheres. Once, he wished to do that from Ether. Now, the seat of his power is unimportant to him. He is willing, however, to wait as many aeons as necessary to achieve his aims.
Divine Classification
Arch Devil
Either glowing like fiery coals, or black orbs without whites
Glossy and black, falling to his shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Carnelian skin
Ruled Locations


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