
The Bohatag are an agrarian furtan people who live in the Tinwe River Valley. Their only settlement of significant size is Bourt.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Family names tend to be descriptive names like "Sandyhair," or "Ruddycheeks," though they often describe an ancestor so far removed into the past that none remember them.


Shared customary codes and values

The Bohatag venerate an odd mix of orcish, human, and Khuldaag gods:

  • Home & Hearth: Amurg
  • The Seasons: Seled
  • Fertility: Fermed
  • CourageKrabvuthî (Kravuthi)
  • Comraderie: Proim (Preum)
  • Music & Revelry: Khronin (Xronin)
  • Death: Robvî (Rovi)
  • Nature: Turstay (Tursta)

Art & Architecture

Bohatag live in homes that evolved from burrows. They are dug into the sides of hills and low rises. The can sprawl quite a distance underground, though they will have a single front door and one or two windows. Chimneys jut from the earth above their kitches.

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