Crorrm, the Arcane Mother Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Crorrm, the Arcane Mother

Other Names

  • Cror̂m (Calpii, Dacci, and Dolobei humans)
  • Khrāru (Rān minargs)
  • Krurma (Ghā minargs)
  • Quiroria (Desi humans)

Divine Domains

Arcana, Order

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Arcane Mother seeks to guide those who use magic toward a path of balance, avoiding the temptations of overwhelming power. They can corrupt the soul. Or, as in her history, they can foment distrust and jealousy that can be the downfall of the arcanist.

Physical Description

Facial Features

She has thick lips and golden freckles beneath her amber eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally, Crorrm was the goddess of arcane mastery. Thousands of years ago, she was betrayed by other gods who feared her growing influence on Kornax. She successfully defended herself from their attacks, but the effort forced her into exile in Ether.

She has built a palace there named Stoilved. From Stoilved, she observes Kornax, occasionally imparting arcane knowledge to those whom she deems worthy.

Intellectual Characteristics

Crorrm fears magic's ability to unravel the fabric of reality, bringing about an age of chaos and destruction that not even the gods could reign in.

Morality & Philosophy

Magic is to be used for the good of all, not to enhance the power of the individual. The individual may realize power, but it should only be expressed in service to all.

Personality Characteristics


Crorrm prefers to observe events unfold from the shadows, often influencing outcomes with a mere whisper. She never reveals the totality of her power, choosing instead to manifest her influence subtly.

Divine Classification
Younger Goddess (Greater)
Glowing with amber, arcane energy
Long kinky hair in braids, with arcane sigils woven among them
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rich, brown skin


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