Evinshar Darkmoon

Divine Domains

Nature, Trickery, Twilight

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally, X'Rell and Roni created Evinshar and appointed her to govern the streams and rivers. When Imith was angry with X'Rell that he would not let the Lysælfen assert mastery over the other peoples of Kornax, she took offense at X'Rell. Together with Imith, she helped convince Korissin to lure the Lysælfen away from X'Rell. She became the Unmarkarey goddess of Darkness and the New Moon. When the Lysælfen drove her people (now known as the Thjodannalfen) underground, she became an enemy to them and has worked ever since to bring them woe.

Intellectual Characteristics

Evinshar is proud and she is rash. Though intelligent, she makes poor decisions in the heat of the moment.

Morality & Philosophy

Evinshar believes that the rest of the world owes her respect and deference. All of her actions are centered on that core belief.

Divine Classification
Younger Goddess (Lesser)
Pure white and straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black as night


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