Eye of the Spheres


This powerful and improved scrying spell can be used to view and hear the location of any being or object on any plane of existence.

To cast the spell, the caster must have a written description of the person or object to be scried upon, along with a single diamond worth 1,000 gp. The caster prepares themself and begins an incantation, which extends their consciousness outward, beginning on their plane of existence, then gradually beyond until they locate their target. The caster suffers exhaustion per the normal rules for missed rest while casting the spell. Once begun, the incantation cannot be interrupted before the spell triggers or the spell is lost. The caster must then succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC listed on the table below, and subject to any exhaustion effects accrued up to the point where their incantation was interrupted) or have their consciousness permanently torn from their corporeal body, killing the caster's body and creating a ghost-like being in the portion of the multiverse their consciousness was searching at the time. On a successful save, the caster's consciousness is not torn from their body, but they suffer psychic damage, as outlined in the table below, as their mind suffers immense shock from the premature end of the spell.

The casting time for the spell varies, depending upon the plane upon which the being or object resides when the caster begins casting the spell (see table below), modified by the detail provided in the written description used as a component:

  • Written description is just a name or vague description (+1d4 days)
  • Written description is detailed enough that a reasonable person would recognize the being or object if they saw it after reading the description (no modifier)
  • Written description is extremely detailed, containing specifics that would not be known to most observers (-1d4 days to a minimum of 1 day total)

Once the spell is complete, the caster can see and hear anything within 50 feet of the being or object being scried upon. As long as the caster sees the incantation through to its completion, the spell always is successful.

The casting time, DC for saving following a broken incantation, and damage suffered on a successful save are as follows:

Material Components
A written description of the being or object to be scryed.
Related Discipline
Divination wizards only
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time


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