Kibla, the Abundant Heart Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Kibla, the Abundant Heart

Other Names

  • Cibla (Biati, Calpii, and Cultecci humans)
  • Kiv (Dud humans)
Kibla is a goddess of love in all its facets.

Divine Domains

Life, Order

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kibla possesses a divine grace that is evident and intoxicating to any who see her.

Body Features

Quite simply put, with the possible exception of Wearnch, there is no entity more beautiful than the Abundant Heart.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a dress of blue and crimson, embroidered and trimmed in thread-of-gold. Her headdress, earings and necklace are intricate gold filigree.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kibla, the incarnation of love's boundless facets, was born from the cosmic whispers of endearment. Over the millennia, she has witnessed countless love stories, both tragic and triumphant, shaping her understanding of the mortal heart. However, her existence was turned askew when she felt a connection to a mortal whose love was so pure it echoed through the heavens. Now, she walks among the mortal realm in search of this soul, hoping to understand the love that moves mortals so deeply that it can touch even the divine.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kibla is a compassionate and empathetic goddess who finds joy in the happiness of others. She exudes a serene confidence and has an irresistible charm that affects both mortals and gods alike.

Personality Characteristics


Her purpose is not merely to inspire passion but to mend broken hearts and nurture the love that sustains communities and empires alike. While other deities may focus on power or wisdom, the Abundant Heart's providence lies within the realm of affection and bonds.

Personality Quirks

Despite her divinity, the Abundant Heart is known to have an unusual predilection for mortal cuisine, especially sweets. She also acquired the habit of collecting love letters, not just those addressed to her (of which there are millions), but any she happens upon.

She finds delight in weaving the destinies of lovers, orchestrating fortuitous encounters, and creating magical blooms that inspire affection. She also has a penchant for dance, expressing her divine aspect through movement.

Divine Classification
Younger Goddess (Greater)
Warm and golden
Lustrous, obsidian hair that cascades down her back, woven with golden threads and jasmine flowers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun-kissed skin


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