
Konran was a mortal descendant of Testa Rossa, the Vermillion Knight and Tak, the Demonic Warlord of Retribution, through the demon's daughter, the succubus Ludīr. When he reached maturity, his demonic blood called out across the Void to Demonia, where his father had been awaiting his call. In a vision, Tak appeared to Konran twisting the truth of all things until Konran's mind was a corrupt as his bloodline. He took on the Title of Chaos Knight on his grandfather's behalf. He acted as the fiend's personal agent and bounty hunter in Kornax. He mated often and had many children. Once in each generation, one of these children is corrupted by Tak and takes on the mantle of the Chaos Knight, whom many know as "Hellfire."

Konran, himself, lived in the second century of the Latter Era.

Divine Classification
Demigod (Elemental Knight)
116 LE 194 LE 78 years old


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