Korissin, the Beguiling Blade Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Korissin, the Beguiling Blade

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Trickery, War

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Korissin was originally the war god of the sylvae. When the sylvae sundered and X'Rell brought the Lysælfen to the Material Planes, Imith an Evinshar subverted him. He then used his beguiling and persuasive tongue to lure a full quarter of the Lysælfen away from X'Rell to become the Thjodannalfen. He became the Unmarkarey god of deceit, bewitching speech, deception and half-truths.

Following defeat of the Thjodannalfen (under the military command of Imith) and their susequent forced exile below the surface, Korissin has a military commander, once more. Legions under his command are feared by those peoples who dwell beneath the surface.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He successfully persuaded a fourth of the Lysælfen to follow Imith, rather than X'Rell.

Failures & Embarrassments

He failed to convince Imith to let him command the Thjodannalfen armies in the surface war against the Lysælfen, which led to their defeat.

Mental Trauma

Korissin has come to understand that, just as he beguiled the Thjodannalfen, Evinshar and Imith beguiled him. He sees Imith for the domineering goddess that she is, but he feels it is too late to repent and ask X'Rell's forgiveness. This fills him with a deep sense of self-loathing.

Intellectual Characteristics

Korissin is a thoughtful and capable military commander. Off the battlefield, however, he is out of his element, save when it comes to persuasion and deceit, at which he excels.

Morality & Philosophy

He has succumbed to petty vengefulness and hedonism in his fallen state.

Divine Classification
Younger God (Lesser)
Light brown
Black and long, tied behind the head
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, with warm undertones


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