Meral Species in Kornax | World Anvil


The meral is a variety of large waterfowl found in Tunsaccia. The are espcially numerous in the southern portions of Lake Stoacca in the Principality of Ritilia.

Basic Information


Meral have a long, snake-like neck and a sharp, spear-like beak. Males are slightly smaller than females and have display large red or purple wattles on the top of their heads.

Ecology and Habitats

Meral thrive in wetlands, though they can be found in small numbers along most waterways of the Tunsaccian subcontinent.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Meral are unusual birds, in that they are extremely intelligent. Some claim that they possess a rudimentary form of sapience, though this is unconfirmed.
Scientific Name
Animalia chordata aves suliformes anhingidae anhinga meralis
Average Length
A meral has an average wingspan of roughly six feet.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Meral are mostly white in color, with gray bainding on their tail feathers and trailing wing feathers. Males display a red rim around their eyes and a warm yellow coloration on their heads during the spring nesting season.

Geographic Distribution


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