Nat Feyrendi


Nat Feyrendi is governed by an elected Parliament, called the Duš. There are one hundred and one representatives at large. Once elected they serve until they retire, or until sufficient outcry from the populace forces a recall election and they lose.

The Duš elects from its membership an executive minister called the Neh, who serves at its pleasure for up to one century. Once a full century in office has passed, the Neh must step down and may not hold the office again, nor may they again stand for election to the Duš. The Neh has the authority to appoint sub-ministers for various bureaucratic functions as directed by the Duš.


The Nat Poen are unusual among Thjodanalfen peoples. First, they are a very recently emergent ethnicity. Second, and more important, they reject female supremacy as well as dominance as an organizational/cultural principle. Finally, though they recognize the Unmarkarey, individuals also revere various other gods and powers, as seems best to that specific person.

Public Agenda

Nat Feyrendi seeks to offer an egalitarian society to any Thjodanalfen who wants to leave the Ithygši̋c culture in favor of a more free society.


Nat Feyrendi is a smaller state of the Ithygši̋c Thjodanalfen. It was founded by Šipfi Aamd̬i̋ and Thic Gat, who believed that a matriarchal society in which men had no rights was immoral. Though they haven't grown large in the fifteen hundred years since their founding, they have drawn a number of asylum seekers from Sogcigdi and D̬aa, alike, both from the peasantry and the nobility.

In 861 LE, the combined armies of D̬aa and Sogcigdi invaded the territory of Nat Feyrendi, but the free people of that realm heroically held the barricades and broke the back of the assault. Though there have been periodic skirmishes since then, no other full-scale assault has ever been made by the allied Pasops.

Thar Hayc Pi̋b ("Equality and Liberty")

Founding Date
110 AscD
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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