Plunmy, the Crone of Secrets Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Plunmy, the Crone of Secrets

Other Names:

  • Blommi (Äklo goliaths)
  • Blūnmū (Rān minargs)[/li
  • Pilunmia (Dolobei humans)

Divine Domains

Arcana, Trickery, Knowledge

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Plonmy manifests her avatar as an ancient crone with milky eyes, garbed in dark robes.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Plunmy delights in reading minds, finding what is lost, learning about what is hidden. She shares that knowledge truthfully, but her truth is so obscured in poetry and double or triple meaning that the revelation is frequently useless to mortals. This is the way she likes it, for though she is honest, she is intensely malevolent.

Morality & Philosophy

For Plunmy it is amusing to watch mortals try to control the world around themselves through divination. She deliberately obscures what they learn, so that they are likely to make the wrong choices which will lead to disaster.

Divine Classification
Younger Goddess (Lesser)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sepulchral pale skin, devoid of any pigment


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