Proim, God of Brotherhood Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Proim, God of Brotherhood

Other Names

  • Br̀oyiim (Fuhkiie fortmans)
  • Brumu (Ghā minargs)
  • Brūyim (Rān minargs)
  • Preum (Bohatag furtans)
  • Provimus (Cultecci, Dacci, and Ebawecci humans)
  • Pröm (Sörsch firbolgs)

Proim is the god of brotherhood.

Divine Domains

Order, Peace

Tenets of Faith

The good of one's neighbor is the good of one's self.

Charity does not exist. Caring for your neighbor is a privilege.

As long as hunger, homelessness, poverty, suffering, and war exist, there remains work to be done.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Equality and justice for all.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Proim is intensely beautiful and perfectly formed.

Body Features

Strong physique. Long, silver hair. Beardless.

Facial Features

A glowing golden rune of unkown origin and meaning shines from the center of his forehead.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Proim believes that the good of the neighbor is the good of the self. War and violence are foolishness, but violence in defense of the weak or defenseless is honorable.

Personality Characteristics


Proim fosters love and devotion between all people. He encourages aid for the suffering and infirm, shelter to the homeless, food to the hungry.

Divine Classification
Younger God (Greter)
Glowing and golden in color
Flowing silver hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Flawless tanned fair skin


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