Slens, Ded, and Fli - Tripartite Fate Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Slens, Ded, and Fli - Tripartite Fate

Other Names:

  • Jyenj, Deet, Flii (Fuhkiie fortmans)
  • Silena, Dea, Bilia (Dolobei and IvrÌ‚ai humans)
  • Slensa, Deda, Blia (Desi humans)

There is a great deal of debate as to whether Slens, Ded, and Fli are three deities or one. Whatever the truth of the matter, they act in concert to reveal the fate of mortals.

They manifest as three beautiful women - Slens, who represents the past; Ded, who represents the present; and Fli, who represents the future. None of them ever appears without the other two.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Order

Personality Characteristics


The right course of events is what motivates Tripartite Fate.

Likes & Dislikes

They are known to dispise Plunmy, who seeks to obscure and obstruct, with the intent of leading mortals to incorrect action.

Divine Classification
Younger Goddess(es?) (Greater)


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