Snoish and Er, the Duality of the Hearth Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Snoish and Er, the Duality of the Hearth

Other Names

  • Chnowisch and Är (Äklo and Ranndau goliaths)
  • Schnösch and Är (Sörsch firbolgs)
  • Snovisc and Er (Ditinci humans)
  • Snøsh and Ër (Dud humans)
  • Snowisc and Er (Calpii and Dolobei)

Though they manifest as two individuals, Snoish and Er are simply two sides of a single, dualistic deity. They represent the forces that are in play to make home and hearth. Typically, Er (who represents the hunter/gatherer/warrior/farmer) is masculine while Snoish (who represents teaching, nurturing, birth, cooking, etc.) is feminine, but this is not always the case, as the Duality of the Hearth only cares that all the roles are filled, not by whom.

As a result, though they are worshipped by the Dolobei, they are unhappy in many ways with that people, due to their intolerant moralism.

Divine Domains

Life, Order, Peace

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Both aspects respond to questions directed at either. When only one is speaking, the other will finish their sentences.

Morality & Philosophy

The hearth and home are the most important unit in society. No society can long survive without strong structures in place to protect them.


Sexual infidelity, betrayal of one's family.

Personality Characteristics


Snoish-Er wants strong, vibrant communities and cultures. They work within the framework of hearth and home to bolster that ideal.

Divine Classification
Younger God (Greater)


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