The Assembly of Judgement and Mercy

The Assembly of Judgement and Mercy is the church dedicated to Rigilists. They have temples and shrines in most settlements of any significant size.

Tenets of Faith

There is but one tenet of faith: death comes for all mortals, at which time they will be judged.


The priesthood is hierarchical in nature. The most senior priestess (always female) resides in Nzahjib on the shores of Lake Mbuck. Other temples in major cities serve as supervisory centers for their surrounding regions, each overseen by a senior priest (of either gender). Assisting these senior priests are a vast army of junior priests who either serve as attendants and assistants in the larger temples, operate smaller temples and shrines in smaller settlements, or serve as itinerant priests serving more rural communities.
Founding Date
72 LE
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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