The Elemental Knights

Originally on Kornax, there were four Ienua, one from each of the four elements.

There was Testa Rossa, first Vermillion Knight, created from an ember by Choris and sent to protect the people of Kornax from the horrors that would follow the Fall of Dragons. In due time, he went home to the Plane of Fire, but every generation, one of his mortal descendants on Kornax takes on his mantle.

There was Zephyr, who sprung forth fully mature from a feather produced by Ahmsu. She, too, came to protect the people of Kornax and was the first Keens Knight. After four centuries, she retreated to a citadel in the sky of the furthest north on Kornax. In her place, each generation a mortal descendant takes on her mantle.

The first Azure Knight was signet, who was born of a drop of water brought forth by Sanshar. She came to Kornax to defend its people. In the third century of the Latter Era, she returned to her home on the Plane of Water, but each generation, one of her mortal descendants assumes her mantle.

The last of the true Elemental Knights was Dion, the Jade Knight. Since Traa was long since destroyed, the Plane of Earth, itself, produced him. He lives on Kornax still, though he has begun to show rash tendencies.


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