The Radiant Succor

The Radiant Succor is a very large religious organization dedicated to Gloi, the Healing Balm. They have temples and infirmaries throughout Kornax, in most cities and many towns.

Tenets of Faith

The Three Pillars of Radiance

  • Injury and disease are a part of life.
  • The wise know when to allow infirmity and disease to run their course and when they should be remedied.
  • The spirit, just as vitally as the body, requires health and healing.
The First Pillar: Injury and Disease are a Part of Life

The Radiant Succor teaches that the study of healing is necessary because those who are mortal will suffer injury and disease. In fact, mortality gives material life meaning, and injury and disease are a facet of that mortality. Thus, they are integral to the meaning and experience of mortal life.

The Radiant Succor does not exists to completely eliminate injury and disease, but to minimize the attendant suffering. In some cases, this means allowing a disease or injury to follow its natural course. In other cases, suffering is relieved by healing. At the end of life, suffering is sometimes eased by accelerating disease, in order to bring about the end more quickly. Compassion is the guiding principle, not necessarily healing.

The Second Pillar: The wise know when to allow infirmity and disease to run their course and when they should be remedied.

Compassion dictates that suffering not be allowed to be an iota more intense than is necessary. The wise follower of the Radiant Balm knows when to heal and when not do.

The Third Pillar: The spirit, just as vitally as the body, requires health and healing.

The most difficult of the three pillars, the third pillar is advocated for all, but often only practiced by the deepest of Gloi's initiates. The monastic order called the Flowing Stream focuses on this pillar, using a variety of techniques (meditation, martial arts, self-reflection, etc.


The Radiant Succor is divided into three branches of dedicated clergy and quasi-clergy. There is the formal priesthood, which attends the temples and helps operate the infirmaries.

There is also the monastic arm, the Flowing Stream, which either secluded itself (most common) to focus on the healing of the mind and spirit, or travels as itinerants, which they may do for a variety of reasons.

The last division is the smallest. This is the Disciples of the Radiance. They are individuals specifically chosen by Gloi to carry out her will throughout Kornax. There are seven known Disciples, though it is possible that she has chosen others, as well.

Religious, Primacy
Controlled Territories


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