The Runestone of the Core

The Runestone of the Core seems just a heavy, white marble disc, with streaks of red, brown, dark blue, and light blue. On one side of it, there is a carving of a tree at the 12 o'clock position, a carving of an hourglass at the 4 o'clock position, and a carving of an arch at the 8 o'clock position. The other side is polished smooth.


Long ago, this was called the flukstearcort (IPA /'fluːkstɪ͡əko͡ʊɹt/), which is Celestial for "keystone." It was brought to Kornax by the Ethereal Dragon Chirn in the ninth millennium of the Ascendancy of Dragons. They left it behind when they left the plane in 2261 AscD. It has been held by a handful of Material Dragons and finally by a lysælfen mage named Sipa̋, who died in 662 LE somewhere is the Rîghos Forest.


This is a piece of stone from the Core, itself. By means of it, a mortal creature can travel to the Core.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Current Location
11 lbs
12" in diameter by 1" thick
Base Price


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