The Tale of Gaebqum and Cuncedam

In the ancient times of Kornax, when Dragons ruled, many of the younger gods gave in to their primal desires.

Such was the case for Stronus, the Golden Lord of Sun. One day, the sun-god was roaming Tr̂ourn, and he happened upon a village near the eastern coast. He caught sight of a beautiful young woman, who was the most gorgeous among all the women in the village. Her beauty was so exceptional that none in the nearby villages, or even beyond could be found to match her.

The name of the young woman was Antibia. Stronus was deeply attracted to her and started visiting her village frequently, bringing her gifts and performing small divine acts for her. He hoped to win her heart, as he desired nothing more than her affection. At first, Antibia politely declined his advances, feeling that the god's attention towards her, a mere mortal, was improper. However, as time passed, Stronus was able to win her affection and love.

The villagers grew jealous of Antibia, as people tend to do, and began to spread rumors about her. They whispered that she was a devil sent to poison them, or a witch come to cast spells on them. In reality, their objections were rooted in nothing more than envy, but they disguised it with these fanciful tales of darkness and deceit. Although they talked about her behind her back, they did not take any further action against her. Despite being isolated from her people due to their jealousy, Antibia found comfort in the love of her god.

As will happen when lovers become intimate, Stronus eventually got Antibia with child. When her condition became obvious to the villagers, they spoke openly against her, for she was unmarried. Dark accusations flew and the elders decreed that she and her unborn child should be put to death for the crime of fornication, "before her tainted seed corrupts our entire people."

All of these things transpired while Stronus was away, so Antibia, her father, her brother, and two servants fled to the coast. Antibia gave birth to twin sons whom she named Gaebqum and Cuncedam. Gaebqum was born first, with golden skin and a full head of matching hair. A few minutes later, she gave birth to a more normal-looking baby boy, who appeared no different than any other infant. She named this second child Cuncedam.

Antibia was unaware that Stronus had been unfaithful to her and had multiple lovers among the supernatural Powers. One of them, an Elder Goddess named Ystrantia, who was unknown to Kornax, became jealous after learning that Antibia had borne sons to Stronus. Ystrantia descended upon the coastal village where Antibia and her family had taken refuge, causing great death and destruction. Antibia's father and brother were among the casualties, but Antibia and her servants managed to gather her twin sons and fled to a fishing vessel that had been beached on the shore, and they hid inside. Their efforts were in vain, however, for Ystrantia was divine, and she possessed the senses of a god. She discovered their location and lifted the small vessel, flinging it out to sea so far that the shore was lost to sight. Believing that her mortal rival and her unwanted children were disposed of, Ystrantia left Kornax and has never been seen or heard from again.

The fishing vessel turned out to be sturdy. Fortunately, the boat landed flat on the waves and remained afloat. However, Antibia's servants were thrown overboard in the impact and drowned in the deep water. This left the new mother and her infant twins alone on the sea.

The small fishing boat was adrift on the waves for many days. One day, Tirelva, the Tidemistress, a goddess of the sea, spotted the boat and saw Gaebqum and Cuncedam, whom she easily perceived were the sons of Stronus. Tirelva believed that Stronus had sent the boat into her domain and became angry. She summoned a great tempest, which lasted for three days and three nights. Lightning split the sky, rain pelted the deck, and the waves crashed against the hull. Finally, a huge wave threw Antibia into the sea, and she was lost. The two infants were left alone and in danger, crying out for their mother.

Stronus finally heard the cries of his sons, whom he had yet to meet, as he had been occupied with other tasks elsewhere. When he arrived, he saw his sons in distress. Seeing that Antibia had been killed, he tried to appear on the ship's deck, but Tirelva prevented him from doing so. He then attempted to possess Gaebqum, as the child seemed to resemble him the most, but he quickly realized that Gaebqum's only divine manifestation was his appearance, which was not enough for the sun-god to embody.

In a desperate attempt to save his sons, Stronus tried to possess Cuncedam. However, something strange happened. Instead of possessing the boy as he intended, Cuncedam, who was just a few months old, became strong and aware as a man in his prime. Infused with the power of Stronus, the young lad stood up, took hold of the tiller, and guided the little vessel through the waves.

Tirelva was amazed when she saw the wonder before her. At first, she was even angrier and threw more fury into her storm. However, Cuncedam held the tiller firmly, and their sturdy little boat climbed the mountainous waves as if it was a mountain goat on its favorite path. Eventually, the Tidemistress relented and released her storm. The sea became calm once again, for Cuncedam's strength and skill had won her respect.

Cuncedam spent an entire year navigating his small boat towards the east. Stronus provided daily care for Gaebqum and Cuncedam by bringing wet nurses to the boat. Finally, the twin brothers arrived at the shores of Sargaas, landing at the mouth of the Atubin River.

The younger brother constructed a travois to transport his older brother, and together they journeyed up the river for over a year until they reached a grand citadel situated on a hill. Upon arrival, they knocked on the colossal gates and requested entry. However, for twelve days, they were denied access. On the thirteenth day, the master of the citadel, a great wyrm called Raqeq, who had scales of gold, asked his doorwarden about the persistent knocking he had been hearing. His servant explained that a human child was at the gate with his golden brother, demanding entry. Raqeq was skeptical about such a wonder and flew out to his wall to verify the sight of the twins, barely two years old, at the gate of his citadel, with one pulling the other along on a travois. "What a wonder this is!" thought Raqeq. He invited Cuncedam and Gaebqum into his citadel where they lived with him for many years, always learning more from the wise old dragon. It was at this time that Cuncedam, with the blessing of his father, committed himself to the dragon god of justice, Chehnsu, for the Platinum Paladin was greatly revered in Raqeq's citadel.

"When Cuncedam was about seventeen years old, he went to Raqeq and said, "Dear Lord, you took me and my brother in when you had no obligation to do so. You fostered us, mere humans, as if we were of your kind. You taught me knowledge that is not usually granted to humans. These are gifts that I can never repay. However, I am restless. It is the nature of mortals to wander and make their own way in the world. May I have your blessing to take my leave from you?"

Raqeq was sad because, though he loved both brothers, he had a deeper affection for Cuncedam. However, the wise old dragon responded, "I understand your decision, and even though it hurts me, I will give you my blessing. It is natural for your kind to pursue their own paths. Remember that you are cherished by the Greatwyrm Raqeq the Golden."

Cuncedam said goodbye to Raqeq and his twin Gaebqum, who decided to stay in the household guard serving Raqeq. Cuncedam traveled back down the river to the place where he had landed many years before. There, he constructed a grand house on a hill and built earthworks to protect it, creating a great hillfort which he named Calpi. People saw this wonder and settled around it, so he enclosed their dwellings in another ring of earthworks. By doing this, he founded the city of Calpi, and those who came to live there made him their king, calling him Cuncidamus in their language.

During a time when most humans lived in fear and poverty, Cuncedam emerged as a great warrior and became a renowned king. The other peoples of Sargaas, such as the Dragons and Giants, were feared by many, but the people of Calpi lived freely and proudly under his rule. As a result, they experienced prosperity and success.

Over time, Gaebqum began to age like any other mortal, but Cuncedam showed no signs of aging. He remained energetic and youthful despite the passing years. When Gaebqum eventually passed away as an old man, Cuncedam attended the funeral at Raqeq's hall. Remarkably, he appeared to be the same age as he had been when he was thirty years old.

After the fall of the Dragons, when the Giants rebelled, Cuncedam and the Calpians fought alongside Raqeq until Raqeq was eventually killed. Later, Cuncedam joined the Great Alliance to fight the Tyrant Dragons, and he played a vital role in driving back the Giants in the Giantbane War, after the Dragons were finally defeated and lost their power.

In the year 996 of the Latter Era, tired from the labors of ruling, Cuncidamus R̂idius abdicated and departed Calpi. He called out to his patron Divine Chehnsu, who came to Kornax personally to bear the demigod away to Ultima where he dwells today.

Date of First Recording
1002 LE
Date of Setting
Late Ascendancy of Dragons (AscD) through the First Millennium Latter Era (LE)


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