The Tunsaccian Calendar

The most commonly used calendar on the Tunsaccian subcontinent, and the only one used between disparate cultures, is simply called the "Tunsaccian Calendar." It is generally the ancient draconic calendar, though there have been minor changes since the Fall of Dragons.

Calendar Structure


The calendar is divided into two eras: the Ascendancy of Dragons (AscD), which counts backwards from the Fall of Dragons into antiquity and the Latter Era (LE), which counts forwards from the Fall of Dragons and is the current era of the world.

Annual Structure

Each year is divided into ten months and is 332 days in length. Half of the months have 32 days, but some have more (Shraksik - 34, Bists - 35, Besped - 33, Ath - 35, Hashmear 35). The calendar does not align with lunar cycles and there are 13 lunar cycles throughout the year.


Each week is eight days in length. Sometimes they are known by their elvish names (Ymæghæ, Îrodôæghæ, Ryshæghæ, Sonury, Mæthsonury, Sughæghæ, Nabvuæghæ, and Susæghæ), but more often by their Calpian names (Openday, Risingday, Morningday, Medis, Aftermedis, Afternoonday, Eveningday, and Restday).


1. Shraksik - 34 days

The year begins in Shraksik, which has 34 days. The First of Shraksik is Year's Beginning. The Second is known as Commitment Day.

2. Quo - 32 days

3. Bists - 35 days

The Spring Equinox falls in this month as does the three-day observance called the Feast of Flowers.

4. Ins - 32 days

5. Bans - 32 days

The Summer Solstice falls during the month.

6. Besped - 33 days

The first day of the month is the observance known as Summer's Height.

7. Clictuns - 32 days

8. Ath - 35 days

It is during this month that the Autumn Equinox falls. It is also the month in which the three-day Harvest Feast is celebrated throughout Tunsaccia.

9. Shreens - 32 days

10. Hashmear - 35 days

The final month of the year is Hashmear. The Winter Solstice falls near the end of the month. There are also the Day of the Lost, the Day of the Fallen, and Year's End, which are all universally recognized days of observance.

Enumerated Holidays

  • Year's Beginning 1st of Shraksik
  • Commitment Day 2nd of Shraksik
  • Spring Equinox Generally the 15th of Bists
  • Firstmarket (Holy day of Kisquay) 3rd day of Spring
  • The Feast of Flowers 19th through 21st of Bists
  • The Chaining of the Tide (Holy observance of Threlved) 15th of Bans
  • The Delving (Solemn observance of the Thjodanalfen) 19th of Bans
  • Summer Solstice Generally the 31st of Bans
  • Summer's Height 1st of Besped
  • Autumn Equinox Generally the 17th of Ath
  • The Harvest Feast 18th through 20th of Ath
  • Secondmarket (Holy day of Kisquay) 3rd day of Autumn
  • Tonnwalluorchflenk (Holy day of Tonwalu) 1st Full Moon of Hashmear
  • The Swell of the Tidemistress (Holy day of Threlved) All four days of the 1st Full Moon of Hashmear
  • Winter Solstice Generally the 33rd of Hashmear
  • The Day of the Lost 33rd of Hashmear
  • The Day of the Fallen 34th day of Hashmear
  • Years' End 35th day of Hashmear


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