Tilgun, The Cruel Empress

Mistress of Misery Tilgun , Goddess of Cruelty, the Cruel Empress

Divine Domains

Cruelty, Twilight, Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A scourge, dripping with blood

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tilgun's origins are unknown. It is unlikely that she came to be as a collective manifestation of faith, given her nature. Therefore, she must be the child or creation of another Power, but no record preserves that provenance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tilgun is both intelligent and shrewd. She revels in suffering, but she understands that for suffering to have meaning, it must contrast against contentment. She will preserve order to enhance the joy of mortals, so that she can crush them with torture, disease, famine, poverty, despair, loneliness, and a thousand other torments to build their suffering.

Morality & Philosophy

None. She craves suffering because it makes her feel good. That is all that matters to her. Good, evil, order, stability - all these only matter to her as far as they help her enhance the suffering she and her followers bring into the world.

Personality Characteristics


Causing immense and wholesale suffering among mortals. Suffering, misery, and pain bring her ecstatic pleasure.
Divine Classification
Younger Goddess (Lesser)
Known Languages
The Sigil of Tilgun


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