
The Zoek are a small group of displaced Dvaer. Until early 1430 LE, they were associated with Bekt, but the army of the Divinity of Rogiq destroyed their home and killed 90% of the population. They are estimated to number no more than 6,000 individuals now.

Naming Traditions

Other names

The Zoek, like many dvaer, recognize a descriptive nickname in place of a family name. This is generally conferred on them with great ceremony by the clan chief upon their fiftieth birthday.


Shared customary codes and values

The Zoek venerate the Khuldaag, especially Mortag, Amasar, and Amurg. A hushed and frightened reverence is paid to Zhegharol.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Newborn Zoeks are taken to the surface on their first day of life and presented to the sky, then they are taken into the Temple of Amurg, where they are consecrated and their parents confer their given name. The meaning behind this odd practice is lost, but it is called Noert. It is considered a very bad omen when a child or its mother are unable to observe Noert on the child's first day of life.

Coming of Age Rites

On a Zoek's fiftieth birthday, they present themselves to their clan-chief, who accompanies them to the Temple of Mortag. There, the clan-chief presents the individual with their nickname. The priest rubs an oil extracted from the skin of a particular grub on the backs of the individual's hands, at which point they are recognized as an adult.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Zoek universally intern their dead in stone tombs outside of the settlement.

Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations


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