The Fall of House Suisbium


Ter̂uus Palpurus of House Suisbium, The Last Awatcovus Suisbium, surrenders to Babater̂ua Dewua of House Ettomep, The Vonuscida of Ritilia, ending the War of Unification.

After six years of isolation, Ter̂uus Palpurus captitulated to House Ettomep in return for safe passage of his house out of the Principality of Ritilia. The Ebawecci humans were united under a single ruler, and House Suisbium largely went into exile in Calpi, where they have been lost to history. A cadet branch, the Evtuetu, married into the royal family, but their last descendant died in 1415 LE. Thus, House Suisbium passed from the History of Ritilia. Vonuscida Depwua, for her part, declared Suisbiumtebwa extinct. In its place, she created the tebouwa called Stoacca and named her aunt, Bater̂ua Apalla, the First Awatcova Stoacca, thus also founding the cadet Eitasibabum family within House Ettomep.

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