Alsus Grain Riots

Political event


Riots over grain shortages that helped bring about the establishment of the Calpian Empire.

In 1243 LE, there was a massive famine. Grain was scarce and the usual parcels of grain for the poor and indigent in Calpi were consumed early, and there was not enough to feed the populace. Angry commoners began protests, which grew to riots that threatened to destabilize the government of Calpi.

In response, in 1244, the Catbalus elected one of their number, Capibus Qulus Orquisus, to be Biovbua (Dictator) until the crisis passed. The title gave him absolute power over the law, the city watch, and even over the legion. He acted quickly to quell the rioters, and spent the remainder of the year restoring order and acquiring sufficient grain from elsewhere with which to feed the populace.